Current Standings
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Headless T Pszczyna Team
Slug Bugs     Syndicalis
NPC Campden     Toronto To
Lawrence P Alert Pola

League Forum Sneak Peek
Recent Posts
By Headless T Gunner in Season 65:
I know I how you feel Lost my best player 3 minutes into my Cup game as well That was it So it goes
By damian13ster in Season 65:
Well, that's an untimely injury. Was hoping to go for a cup. Guess plans need to change
By Headless T Gunner in Season 65:
Well damn it cost you the game and me another game lead in the standings If he finishes ahead of me I will hold you personally responsible!
By gimmone in Season 65:
Forgetting your starting C is not a good tactic i found out today
Injury Report
Player Team Injury Salary
Liakos Fitzios Pszczyna Team 11 - 22 $ 189 199
Isaac Cabezudo NPC Campden 5 - 9 $ 27 445
Transfer List Report
Player Team Price Salary
Alexander Mladenov Slug Bugs $ 1 740 000 $ 92 520
João Pombo Syndicalists' BC $ 1 799 000 $ 39 021
Team Stats
Alert Polar Bears 242 38.5-91.2 0.422 7.8-23.8 0.329 17.5-19.8 0.886 13.7 53.8 21.2 9.6 3.7 4.4 15.1 102.3 12.2
Gladiators 2.0 244 39.8-93.5 0.426 7.9-25.2 0.314 18.2-22.8 0.802 12.0 49.2 24.9 7.6 3.8 2.0 17.5 105.8 14.3
Green Machines 240 31.2-90.8 0.343 7.8-25.1 0.309 12.6-15.6 0.807 14.2 44.2 18.4 11.2 5.1 5.4 14.0 82.7 8.8
Headless Thompson... 242 42.9-89.2 0.481 4.8-15.8 0.300 18.5-21.2 0.874 13.3 50.8 27.1 7.9 6.2 4.2 16.2 109.1 14.4
Kelvins team 242 38.0-92.3 0.412 8.8-23.0 0.380 15.8-18.0 0.880 13.4 45.9 20.4 8.6 4.4 2.6 18.6 100.6 14.4
Lawrence Park Pan... 240 41.4-85.8 0.483 6.8-20.4 0.331 19.8-22.2 0.888 8.7 43.6 24.0 8.6 4.5 2.8 15.4 109.3 14.1
Mustard Tigers 240 37.9-85.9 0.441 5.6-18.8 0.296 15.9-19.8 0.806 9.6 41.2 24.0 9.7 3.6 1.5 18.1 97.3 9.8
NPC Campden 242 42.9-93.1 0.461 8.6-23.2 0.369 19.3-22.3 0.866 9.0 46.7 24.2 9.3 4.9 2.3 13.8 113.8 13.7
Philosopher Kings 240 36.3-88.1 0.412 4.3-16.2 0.267 16.5-20.0 0.825 15.8 49.4 20.8 11.7 4.2 2.9 13.2 93.5 12.2
Pszczyna Team 240 41.3-89.5 0.462 6.7-18.9 0.352 17.2-20.7 0.835 12.2 50.1 26.8 7.6 5.4 5.1 16.9 106.6 12.4
Scr00ge 240 39.6-92.3 0.429 7.3-20.4 0.359 18.8-21.2 0.886 10.9 44.5 23.2 9.2 5.4 3.4 17.6 105.3 11.8
Slug Bugs 242 36.2-86.1 0.420 4.2-18.2 0.228 15.8-21.2 0.748 8.2 44.4 21.3 6.6 5.5 2.8 16.8 92.3 14.7
Squares 244 30.9-89.9 0.344 6.1-21.2 0.286 18.7-23.0 0.812 14.7 45.1 19.2 9.2 3.2 2.9 17.6 86.6 11.6
Syndicalists' BC 240 32.2-89.9 0.358 8.0-24.1 0.332 12.5-16.5 0.758 13.2 50.2 17.0 9.8 4.1 7.8 16.4 84.8 11.4
The Chickaboos 240 34.2-89.8 0.381 4.4-19.1 0.231 18.6-25.2 0.736 11.8 46.9 22.3 8.5 4.1 2.3 14.3 91.3 11.2
Toronto Towers 242 44.9-92.9 0.483 8.9-22.8 0.391 18.6-21.8 0.854 11.6 49.2 27.2 8.3 5.6 6.2 16.8 117.3 13.8
Best Performances
Lubomyr Gurtovoy
90 Points
Marc Hederman
39 Rebounds
Lucio Pinnella
23 Assists
Roberto Núñez Alvar
13 Blocks