1. How will you manage (or delegate managing) the U21 pipeline? Scouting, outreach to managers, suggesting builds, etc.
I plan to be very hands on, so I will be staying on top of all the scouting. This means ill be sending bbmails for updates pretty regularly for 20s and 21s, but would hopefully have a few people that would assist me with keeping the 18s and 19s updated. Doing all 4 age groups would be a lot to handle so I would be open to have whoever is willing to keep on top of some players to do it.
2. Do you prioritize specific builds or are you looking for a mix? Do you prioritize calling up players owned by domestic managers? Why or why not?
I would like a mix, that way we can be diverse in what we run. We usually have a lot of the same builds, with a few outliers here and there, but never enough to actually fully run some cool, effective lineups. As for the domestic managers question....not really. I more look at the minutes the player receives to see if they will be kept in good GS throughout the season. If I see a player getting 48 mins every game they are not going to be called up, even if they are maybe a little bit better than a different player that gets good minutes. That 48 min player would just sit the bench with their low GS. Now in the case where I have 2 similar players that both get good minutes, one owned by US and one foreign, I would likely select the US owned player. So I guess maybe a little bit lol
3. What do you think our U21 program has been lacking in recent seasons, if anything? What will you do to address it?
Key Decision Making. We have been making it pretty far (with the exception of this past season), but haven't been making the correct key decisions in crucial moments when we get to the playoffs. I am confident that with the knowledge I have learned in these past few seasons that I can make the correct decisions in these moments.