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BB Philippines > U21 S47: World Championship

U21 S47: World Championship

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From: jeorge9

To: Baku
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301323.11 in reply to 301323.10
Date: 09/12/2019 07:59:47
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Yea! Waiting for your guy boss! 😉

This Post:
301323.12 in reply to 301323.11
Date: 09/18/2019 12:40:57
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Second match and this time we can only have some bad feeling about that loss vs Chile. We played in the right way, our ratings are good, our Mr were good, our shooting percentage was good. Even better than our opponents. But we lost.
For one and only reason: rebounding.
Our bigs are undersized compared to those giants. We were Looney tunes, they were monstars.
And we had no Michael Jordan 🤣

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301323.13 in reply to 301323.12
Date: 09/24/2019 05:22:00
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Philippines managed to beat Germany in a very close match and a crucial one for us. As you all can see I decided to drop a crunch because we have next week to recover some enth before Egypt and basically doing so we can jump to the next round with at least one win. Clearly after beating Egypt which is not as easy as in the past seasons because they are really tough.
I expected a tie from Germany because they have to deal with Chile and Peru in the next weeks and considering our terrible shape on our big men they were well above our standards.
Ibarreta ylanan tonido and ganancial all respectable and three of those are really great players for us. They're coming back to good shape, minutes are improving for ibarreta and ganancial so I hope to have them at their max sooner than later.
I keep stressing on minutes because without shape we can go nowhere. We are weaker than all the others except Egypt. So we need our squad to perform at its max 😊
As for the match, I decided to go for ptb to avoid our predictability on external offenses, also because that allowed me to put in the lineup all around players to take advantage of the different effort.
No predictions for me because Germany is gifted on both outside and inside and I did prefer to go relatively safe.
Our group is very complicated, but we are right on our target. We are making a surprising road considering other salaries and dmi, so great job by everyone 👍🏻

From: Louiz
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301323.14 in reply to 301323.13
Date: 10/09/2019 07:34:35
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Egypt took us down with them! 😱😱😱

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301323.15 in reply to 301323.14
Date: 10/12/2019 01:41:59
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Yep, our world championship ended with a nonsense loss.
First let's say a couple of things: Egypt was not weak. They were as strong as us in the starting lineup, they had more dmi and a big man with higher salary than ours. So yeah, they were definitely not the classic weak African team. Second, did you see our shape? All big men were respectable, sebidos average, ganancial injured, starters strong. They played with lots of 9s, we had bad minutes along the all star break and yeah, I keep stressing about shape and this is a result.
That said, the match itself was kinda ridiculous, we had better ratings, better Matchups, clinched prediction and whatever but we lost.
Shit happens and I'm sorry for this, I would really have liked to give you some more good matches 😊

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301323.16 in reply to 301323.15
Date: 10/12/2019 03:24:04
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I was just amazed how it ended. It was like a weird wet dream.

You still did great. You made some unbelievable wins. We would not be in World Championships without your excellent strategies.

Good luck on your future endeavors.


This Post:
301323.17 in reply to 301323.15
Date: 10/12/2019 10:17:36
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Ganancial never had the chance to play. It was all my fault. I was too greedy to win NT games (for $$), to take the 22-0 achievement (1 loss), and also wasn't paying much attention on his mins in vs bot games. And when I focused on getting his shape back, he got injured, FOR 2 WEEKS!

I was really hoping we could win against MSIR and for Germany to lose so Ganancial can have a chance to play next round. But we all know what happened.

This is my bad.

Sorry Coach, and my Kababayans. :'(

This Post:
301323.18 in reply to 301323.17
Date: 10/12/2019 12:31:51
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No prob my friend 😊
I mean, clearly I missed him quite much because he was our best pg but I can understand that everyone plays for his own goals 👍🏻

This Post:
301323.19 in reply to 301323.18
Date: 10/25/2019 09:06:28
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To whomever is running:

Couple of things I want to emphasize when you sign up for u21 coach you are looking at age 18, 19, 20 and 21 every season of your tenure. So far, we have had two foreign coaches Coach NDR has done an admirable job and I would like to thank him personally for his contributions. I would not exactly oppose him if he decides to give it another 2 seasons. Mahirap sundan ang tenure niya, qualifying for the Worlds. the record speaks for itself though we fell short but i firmly believe he has brought us back to being respectable in Asia. Sorry for the game shape analogy.

Coach Jeorge started a Pinoy manager thread to bridge new players with old, hoping we can have a more active community. I hope those who responded can commit training locally in their own small way for both u21 and Seniors. Personally, we really have no chance if our core trainers iaasa natin sa iba. New coaches are always welcome and I hope the remaining vets will not be too critical should there be a new one. Personally, I would rather have someone with experience. Always happy to help whoever gets elected or is even thinking about running even if it is a foreigner. As we approach the next season in a few weeks sana ngayon pa lang may plano na yung mga gustong tumakbo. Let us set our goals high.

From: MinokawA

To: Ob1
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301323.20 in reply to 301323.19
Date: 10/25/2019 10:24:37
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I have a few vets in mind that I would like to nominate to be the next Pilipinas NT Coach, seniors or juniors. And honestly, you are the first in my list.

To everyone who's having thoughts of running for Pilipinas U21, please be 100% dedicated! If you are half way sure, do not register. If you made up your mind, think again.


We still have a month though. ;)

This Post:
301323.21 in reply to 301323.19
Date: 10/25/2019 15:14:02
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Thank you for your kind words and your great help during all the seasons.
