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BB Australia > National Team Speeches

National Team Speeches (thread closed)

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From: Primoss
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300627.2 in reply to 300627.1
Date: 08/20/2019 11:22:24
The Primoss RAMS II
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
The Primoss Flyers
Hello everyone!!
Iam Primoss living in Rotterdam (The Netherlands) and I have been in this game since season 17,with a break of 1 or 2 seasons .
I have lost my team the Primoss RAMS ,but started over again with building up a new team and arena
And that was a good thing to do starting over from scratch and I have fun to do that.
The best part for me is training players and I know what takes to train players for the NT ,I have trained 4 players to the Dutch team. Damstra(37926685) and Yayla (38728154) are still in the Dutch team ,I have trained those guys from the start .
In 2015 I was also the manager of the Dutch team for 2 seasons,and I hope to be the manager of the Australian team.
I hope you will give me a chance and if you have any questions let me know..

Thanks Primoss.