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Dedicated to Training FT and/or Stamina

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287611.3 in reply to 287611.1
Date: 06/22/2017 11:38:20
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I think managers who train National players or players just to sell them in the future to make a profit,or important young players,they dont care about training free throws and stamina because its waste of time....

Mostly,managers that have players 26-27+ they care about free throws and stamina because the dont have trainable players or their players need some skills only

Last edited by don_AnToNio at 06/22/2017 14:47:22

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287611.5 in reply to 287611.4
Date: 06/22/2017 17:05:25
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Right. That's not a fair comparison though. Two players with 50 TSP, the one with higher stamina will likely outplay the other. So I'm thinking that if I have a player with 100 TSP and 5 stamina vs an 80 TSP with 7 stamina ... my player may outperform overall on the court but he'll be more likely gassed after 36 min and his shots go off target whereas the 80 guy may be able to last longer and only be gassed after 44 minutes.

Anyways, those are just random numbers to try and make my point.

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287611.7 in reply to 287611.6
Date: 06/22/2017 19:25:58
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Ahhh, no, I meant just in general ... nothing related to a drafted player. I've been thinking about training Free Throw or Stamina for a few reasons:

1) I see a lot of stamina drops throughout the course of the season. I have a player that I got off transfer back in December 2015 (Season 29) that initially had Stamina of 9. He's 31 now and his stamina is now down to 4. I'm not sure how much stock to place in a player with high stamina, especially when he's still a very efficient player with high skills.

2) If I was to shift my focus from training developmental players to training to win a championship, how much benefit would there be to focus on Stamina and Free Throws with Game Shape intermixed once in a while?

Regarding Free Throws, my top two star players have 2 and 1 Free Throw skill respectively. My #1 guy is averaging 3-4 free throws a game and shooting at under 50% so he's only losing maybe 2 points, which isn't that big of a deal honestly. Same goes for my #2 guy; he's averaging just over 2 free throws a game and is a career 0.238 free throw shooter so he's lucky if he makes his shot fall, which means we may miss out on 1 point on average.

From: GM-hrudey

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287611.13 in reply to 287611.11
Date: 06/26/2017 16:15:06
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How much behind can a player get if he does a week of ST though? 7 weeks of missed training until he reaches 25. Not a lot to talk about. And to give all of that at once then seems like something not many people do.

On the other hand, if he's 27 years old and has 8 stamina, it'll take a couple of seasons before his stamina drops enough that he'll actually go to the bench for more than six minutes a game if you run a Princeton.
