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Training Efficiency

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Date: 12/07/2014 14:28:26
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I'm curious about which one is more efficient way to train a youngster. Let's say for passing. Which one is better ? Applying PG-SG training or applying only SG training ? I'm planning to play them in SG position but if giving them a passing training only for PG will make a huge difference then I can think about playing him in PG.

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265373.2 in reply to 265373.1
Date: 12/07/2014 15:31:12
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Train him at PG position, the others are slower.

Between PG/SG and SG(80% of PG), I'm not sure, that's an interesting situation now. I haven't thought about that before. SG should be slightly faster, but PG/SG gives double more training slots.

I don't know exact numbers for two-position training, people used to say it's about 70% of the one-postition training.

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265373.3 in reply to 265373.1
Date: 12/07/2014 15:32:00
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Playing him at PG and training Passing for PG is the best way to train his passing. Doing Passing for PG/SG will only train 70% of what PG alone would train. Training for SG would give about 80% of what PG trains.