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BB Danmark > National Team Speeches

National Team Speeches (thread closed)

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297915.2 in reply to 297915.1
Date: 01/31/2019 02:26:10
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Second Team:
Kerlci II
Kind greetings to Danish BB community!

Let me introduce myself; My nickname is Deschamps (I picked it before it was cool.. and hey, your team was the only one which managed not to loose against him!), and I come from Slovenia - Luka Dončič, Melania Trump, Anže Kopitar... If that doesnt ring a bell, then forget Slovenia, I come somewhere from Europe. Somewhere quite nice actually.

I have been playing BB for 5 years now, which roughly translates to 20 BB seasons. Within that time, I managed to achieve two victories in both domestic cup and 1st tier league. Therefore, I also played three seasons in BBB, where my best result is top32. As for the NT experience, I have some in the U21 level, where I managed Slovenia for 2 seasons, and Island for 6 seasons. With BB community of Island, we have managed to build a solid team, which finished 3rd in group stage of European championship, and reached top16 in consoltation tournament - both best results to date for Island U21 NT.

After a few seasons of focusing on my club, I decided now is the time to step into the shoes of NT manager once again. I chose Denmark since it is easy to work within the nordic communities - language is not a problem, since almost everyone speaks English (I also speak german, if that helps), and the motivation for training NT prospects is usually high - at least that was the case with managers from Island.

Honestly, you are also a small(ish) community, but with senior NT that is less of a barrier than with U21 NT. I believe we can achieve some nice results - first start with once again becoming a solid mid-tier european team, then try to reach for some added value achievements. Top12 at Euros might be a bit of a stretch, but who knows...

I believe in training well rounded players and when it comes to compromise between primary and secondary skills, almost allways choose tha later. With 40ish managers I will be able to achieve good and frequent communication with every motivated manager. Of course, in senior NT, results of my work will trully show in a few seasons time, so, if elected, I will post my candidature again 2 and 4 seasons from now.

I realize, I'm an outsider, but I still hope, you will give me your vote. I know you wont be disapointed.

Best regards,


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297915.3 in reply to 297915.1
Date: 01/31/2019 06:04:56
Bornholm Pro Basketball
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Jeg stiller op igen som NT manager. Vi har haft en god sæson og står overfor et større generations skifte. Jeg synes det er vigtigt at vi holder manager rollen på en dansk person. Hvis andre har lyst til at prøve rollen som NT manager, må i endelig sige til. Jeg har travlt med at skrive speciale, så de næste par måneder kommer det til at fortsætte i samme spor i forhold til opslag fra min side. :)

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297915.4 in reply to 297915.3
Date: 02/01/2019 07:24:35
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Hej allesammen.

Efter lidt overvejelse har jeg også besluttet mig for at stille op. I bund og grund har jeg ikke meget erfaring med NT udover et par spillere på u21. Til gengæld er jeg efterhånden ved at have en del sæsoner under bæltet, så synes at jeg er nok inde i spillet til at kunne varetage holdet.

Vi er i Danmark en lille nation, men derfor bør vi stadig kunne blande os med nogle lidt bedre hold. Taiwan har kun 185 managers og har lige vundet verdensmesterskabet. Det bliver nok svært for os at komme derop, da vi trods alt er noget mindre, men jeg mener at vi bør sætte ambitionsniveauet højere. Der er lang vej og meget arbejde til vi når der til, men det er et arbejde jeg gerne vil påtage mig. Først og fremmest vil det for mit vedkommende handle om, at få skabt noget mere aktivitet omkring holdet, hvor jeg vil bestræbe mig på jævnligt at opdatere omkring holdet. Derudover ser jeg det som et vigtigt element, at vi sørger for, at holde fast i spillerne efter u21 og holdet kontakten til deres managers, så vi kan få mest muligt ud af den begrænsede talentmasse vi har i DK.

God weekend og god ny sæson til alle