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Feature Update: Arena Design - Part 3

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Date: 12/05/2018 21:56:53
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Second Team:
The last part of the Arena Designer is here! Team infrastructure is a collection of five buildings that provide various options for team improvement. Each of the buildings is available in three levels, but having even the lowest level of any of them should be considered luxury, therefore they are not intended for fresh teams, and even seasoned managers might need to carefully consider investing in them. This is not only due to some pretty steep initial building costs, but also due to high weekly maintenance costs that they carry with them (more on that bellow).

Here are the five team infrastructure buildings and their effects:

1. Gym - training is hard, but a well equipped gym will motivate players to spend extra time training, giving a wider range of skills a slight boost. The effect is very similar to the already existing cross training, in essence, the gym is giving your team more cross training "slots". Higher gym levels provide more personal trainers and additional equipment, giving the team even more cross training "slots".
2. Training Court - spending valuable training time on free throws is always a hard bargain, most teams opting to do in the offseason, when normal training minutes are harder to achieve anyway. The training court will enable players to work on their free throws during the season, additional to normal training. The effect is not nearly as large as dedicating a full week of training to free throws, but at least those weeks will not be necessary as often as they are now.
3. Health&Recovery Center - the good doctor needs all the help he can get! Additional staff, special diagnostics and therapy equipment, etc... The effect of the Health& Recovery center is quite straightforward: the higher the level, the quicker the healing.
4. TV&Radio Station - there's no better way to build up the hype for the upcoming match than through the media! Having TV and radio shows promoting the team achievements, past and present, will result in fans buying more merchandise, tolerate losses more easily and celebrate wins longer. But keep in mind, there are limits to how high the fan spirit can rise. Additionally, season ticket sales will also have a nice boost, especially with higher levels.
5. Merchandise Store - having a luxurious store in a prominent spot will boost merchandise sales. Similarly like investing in a nice arena, the store will take a long time to return the initial investment but after that it will generate pure profit.

Building and maintenance costs are the same for each building. The first level costs $500 000 to build, following up with $300 000 for level two and $200 000 for level three. Additionally, each level carries a weekly cost of $5000 for maintenance. These levels can be downgraded and half of the invested funds will be reimbursed. Naturally, these buildings are available in the Arena Designer too.

As always, we hope you will like the conclusion of the Arena Designer and we look forward to your feedback on it. Furthermore, as announced, the development calendar will take a break for the foreseeable future, so our development team can focus on preparations for the first official BB App! We know you're all excited about this so we will let you know how that goes as it happens! Enjoy!

From: NJ

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297349.2 in reply to 297349.1
Date: 12/05/2018 22:33:34
SK Wolves
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How has no one commented on this yet....the app news alone sounds like a big deal

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297349.3 in reply to 297349.1
Date: 12/05/2018 22:39:35
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official BB App

Please tell me it is not April Fool's and this is serious!!! :)

From: Lemony

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297349.4 in reply to 297349.1
Date: 12/05/2018 22:40:54
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Doesn't seem to work unless I'm doing something wrong. Submitted the added buildings twice now and it just resets.

From: NJ

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297349.5 in reply to 297349.4
Date: 12/05/2018 23:00:58
SK Wolves
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Because of this I'm not investing till next season for potential bugs to be worked out.

I like the additions though.

From: Ben Jet
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297349.6 in reply to 297349.5
Date: 12/05/2018 23:48:08
April Rain
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Second Team:
Well, I'm going to give my honest thoughts about this new feature. It's interesting, but right now, the main issue with me is whether it is worth it?

I'm beginning to somewhat regret building the arena design or spending a decent amount on it. The same question applies to me on this one is whether I should invest or not.

There is one solace, since you can actually downgrade on this for half the invested funds, so that's a plus.

There's only two things that bugs me or think it's not worth at all.

1. TV&Radio Station, as well as Merchandise Store. Both are really redundant with one another...not to mention, what was the whole point of the Arena Design then? There are subtle differences, but this aspect to me seems the most problematic...You're paying up to 1 mil for Merchandise and then you're paying 5-15k A WEEK for Merchandise...Unless this is a 25+K merchandise boost, these are the most redundant infrastructure I've noticed.

2. I am definitely not a huge fan of paying 5k a week for each level. First off, there's a huge price to pay up to 1mil for infrastructure, but to pay additional for maintenance? The big question now will be how much of an impact it'll make. If it's minimal or a small chunk, what's the difference between getting a better trainer (For gym) and better doctor (For Health centre)? Training court is pretty unique, though I'm not sure how much people value free throws to pay such a cost.

I'm very dubious about this. It's definitely very cool and should make an impact, but the question should be whether other alternatives are better. For now, we shall see.

Still, I appreciate all the work and a BB app sounds really interesting!

Last edited by Ben Jet at 12/05/2018 23:57:02

From: jesmarva

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297349.9 in reply to 297349.4
Date: 12/06/2018 02:09:31
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Mee too. I tried to build a new building twice and I was not able

From: ned

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297349.10 in reply to 297349.1
Date: 12/06/2018 02:13:09
Freccia Azzurra
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Second Team:
so just to be sure having the maximum upgrade in one infrastructure costs 15k a week, correct?

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