League Schedule -- Season 64
Date/Time Away team Status Home team
03/09/2024 20:00:00 San Jose Spartans Adirondack Mountaineers
03/09/2024 20:00:00 Orlando Outrageous Oilers The Crunch Berries
03/09/2024 20:00:00 Baltimor alligators Garrettsburg Arrows
03/09/2024 20:00:00 West Willow Wheelers The Darius BBall Club
03/09/2024 20:00:00 New York Killers Sacramento Sharks
03/09/2024 20:00:00 The MisFits Vermilion Millions
03/09/2024 20:00:00 Stan Antonio Spurs Eclipze
03/09/2024 20:00:00 Vietnam Vets The Las Vegas Lakers TV
03/12/2024 20:00:00 8 Adirondack Mountaineers 6 Orlando Outrageous Oilers TV
03/12/2024 20:00:00 3 The Crunch Berries 7 Baltimor alligators
03/12/2024 20:00:00 2 Garrettsburg Arrows 4 West Willow Wheelers
03/12/2024 20:00:00 5 The Darius BBall Club 1 San Jose Spartans
03/12/2024 20:00:00 2 Sacramento Sharks 6 The MisFits
03/12/2024 20:00:00 3 Vermilion Millions 4 Stan Antonio Spurs
03/12/2024 20:00:00 5 Eclipze 8 Vietnam Vets
03/12/2024 20:00:00 1 The Las Vegas Lakers 7 New York Killers
03/16/2024 20:00:00 3 Baltimor alligators 7 Adirondack Mountaineers
03/16/2024 20:00:00 2 West Willow Wheelers 5 The Crunch Berries TV
03/16/2024 20:00:00 1 San Jose Spartans 4 Garrettsburg Arrows
03/16/2024 20:00:00 6 Orlando Outrageous Oilers 8 The Darius BBall Club
03/16/2024 20:00:00 1 Stan Antonio Spurs 4 Sacramento Sharks
03/16/2024 20:00:00 7 Vietnam Vets 3 Vermilion Millions
03/16/2024 20:00:00 6 New York Killers 8 Eclipze
03/16/2024 20:00:00 5 The MisFits 2 The Las Vegas Lakers
03/19/2024 20:00:00 8 Adirondack Mountaineers 2 West Willow Wheelers
03/19/2024 20:00:00 7 The Crunch Berries 1 San Jose Spartans
03/19/2024 20:00:00 4 Garrettsburg Arrows 5 Orlando Outrageous Oilers
03/19/2024 20:00:00 6 The Darius BBall Club 3 Baltimor alligators
03/19/2024 20:00:00 3 Sacramento Sharks 7 Vietnam Vets
03/19/2024 20:00:00 1 Vermilion Millions 4 New York Killers TV
03/19/2024 20:00:00 8 Eclipze 6 The MisFits
03/19/2024 20:00:00 2 The Las Vegas Lakers 5 Stan Antonio Spurs
03/23/2024 20:00:00 4 Garrettsburg Arrows 8 Adirondack Mountaineers
03/23/2024 20:00:00 5 The Darius BBall Club 7 The Crunch Berries
03/23/2024 20:00:00 3 Baltimor alligators 1 San Jose Spartans TV
03/23/2024 20:00:00 2 West Willow Wheelers 6 Orlando Outrageous Oilers
03/23/2024 20:00:00 8 Eclipze 1 Sacramento Sharks TV
03/23/2024 20:00:00 5 The Las Vegas Lakers 4 Vermilion Millions
03/23/2024 20:00:00 3 Stan Antonio Spurs 2 New York Killers
03/23/2024 20:00:00 7 Vietnam Vets 6 The MisFits
03/26/2024 20:00:00 8 Adirondack Mountaineers 7 The Darius BBall Club
03/26/2024 20:00:00 6 The Crunch Berries 4 Garrettsburg Arrows
03/26/2024 20:00:00 1 San Jose Spartans 2 West Willow Wheelers
03/26/2024 20:00:00 5 Orlando Outrageous Oilers 3 Baltimor alligators
03/26/2024 20:00:00 1 Sacramento Sharks 6 The Las Vegas Lakers
03/26/2024 20:00:00 4 Vermilion Millions 8 Eclipze
03/26/2024 20:00:00 2 New York Killers 7 Vietnam Vets
03/26/2024 20:00:00 3 The MisFits 5 Stan Antonio Spurs TV
03/30/2024 20:00:00 7 The Crunch Berries 8 Adirondack Mountaineers
03/30/2024 20:00:00 5 The Darius BBall Club 4 Garrettsburg Arrows TV
03/30/2024 20:00:00 6 Orlando Outrageous Oilers 1 San Jose Spartans
03/30/2024 20:00:00 2 West Willow Wheelers 3 Baltimor alligators
03/30/2024 20:00:00 3 Vermilion Millions 1 Sacramento Sharks
03/30/2024 20:00:00 6 The Las Vegas Lakers 8 Eclipze
03/30/2024 20:00:00 5 The MisFits 2 New York Killers
03/30/2024 20:00:00 7 Vietnam Vets 4 Stan Antonio Spurs
04/02/2024 20:00:00 1 Sacramento Sharks 5 Adirondack Mountaineers
04/02/2024 20:00:00 3 Vermilion Millions 8 The Crunch Berries
04/02/2024 20:00:00 8 Eclipze 3 Garrettsburg Arrows
04/02/2024 20:00:00 5 The Las Vegas Lakers 6 The Darius BBall Club
04/02/2024 20:00:00 2 New York Killers 1 San Jose Spartans
04/02/2024 20:00:00 6 The MisFits 7 Orlando Outrageous Oilers
04/02/2024 20:00:00 4 Stan Antonio Spurs 4 Baltimor alligators
04/02/2024 20:00:00 7 Vietnam Vets 2 West Willow Wheelers TV
04/06/2024 20:00:00 5 Adirondack Mountaineers 3 Vermilion Millions
04/06/2024 20:00:00 7 The Crunch Berries 8 Eclipze
04/06/2024 20:00:00 3 Garrettsburg Arrows 5 The Las Vegas Lakers TV
04/06/2024 20:00:00 8 The Darius BBall Club 2 New York Killers
04/06/2024 20:00:00 1 San Jose Spartans 6 The MisFits
04/06/2024 20:00:00 6 Orlando Outrageous Oilers 4 Stan Antonio Spurs
04/06/2024 20:00:00 4 Baltimor alligators 7 Vietnam Vets
04/06/2024 20:00:00 2 West Willow Wheelers 1 Sacramento Sharks
04/09/2024 20:00:00 8 Eclipze 5 Adirondack Mountaineers
04/09/2024 20:00:00 5 The Las Vegas Lakers 7 The Crunch Berries
04/09/2024 20:00:00 1 New York Killers 4 Garrettsburg Arrows
04/09/2024 20:00:00 6 The MisFits 8 The Darius BBall Club
04/09/2024 20:00:00 3 Stan Antonio Spurs 1 San Jose Spartans
04/09/2024 20:00:00 7 Vietnam Vets 6 Orlando Outrageous Oilers
04/09/2024 20:00:00 4 Sacramento Sharks 3 Baltimor alligators
04/09/2024 20:00:00 2 Vermilion Millions 2 West Willow Wheelers
04/13/2024 20:00:00 5 Adirondack Mountaineers 5 The Las Vegas Lakers
04/13/2024 20:00:00 7 The Crunch Berries 1 New York Killers
04/13/2024 20:00:00 4 Garrettsburg Arrows 6 The MisFits
04/13/2024 20:00:00 8 The Darius BBall Club 3 Stan Antonio Spurs TV
04/13/2024 20:00:00 1 San Jose Spartans 7 Vietnam Vets
04/13/2024 20:00:00 6 Orlando Outrageous Oilers 4 Sacramento Sharks
04/13/2024 20:00:00 3 Baltimor alligators 2 Vermilion Millions
04/13/2024 20:00:00 2 West Willow Wheelers 8 Eclipze
04/16/2024 20:00:00 1 New York Killers 5 Adirondack Mountaineers
04/16/2024 20:00:00 6 The MisFits 8 The Crunch Berries
04/16/2024 20:00:00 5 Stan Antonio Spurs 4 Garrettsburg Arrows
04/16/2024 20:00:00 7 Vietnam Vets 6 The Darius BBall Club
04/16/2024 20:00:00 3 Sacramento Sharks 1 San Jose Spartans
04/16/2024 20:00:00 2 Vermilion Millions 7 Orlando Outrageous Oilers TV
04/16/2024 20:00:00 8 Eclipze 3 Baltimor alligators
04/16/2024 20:00:00 4 The Las Vegas Lakers 2 West Willow Wheelers
04/20/2024 20:00:00 7 Adirondack Mountaineers 6 The MisFits TV
04/20/2024 20:00:00 6 The Crunch Berries 5 Stan Antonio Spurs
04/20/2024 20:00:00 4 Garrettsburg Arrows 7 Vietnam Vets
04/20/2024 20:00:00 5 The Darius BBall Club 4 Sacramento Sharks
04/20/2024 20:00:00 1 San Jose Spartans 2 Vermilion Millions
04/20/2024 20:00:00 8 Orlando Outrageous Oilers 8 Eclipze
04/20/2024 20:00:00 3 Baltimor alligators 3 The Las Vegas Lakers
04/20/2024 20:00:00 2 West Willow Wheelers 1 New York Killers
04/27/2024 20:00:00 5 Stan Antonio Spurs 7 Adirondack Mountaineers
04/27/2024 20:00:00 8 Vietnam Vets 6 The Crunch Berries
04/27/2024 20:00:00 4 Sacramento Sharks 4 Garrettsburg Arrows
04/27/2024 20:00:00 2 Vermilion Millions 5 The Darius BBall Club
04/27/2024 20:00:00 7 Eclipze 1 San Jose Spartans TV
04/27/2024 20:00:00 3 The Las Vegas Lakers 8 Orlando Outrageous Oilers
04/27/2024 20:00:00 1 New York Killers 3 Baltimor alligators TV
04/27/2024 20:00:00 6 The MisFits 2 West Willow Wheelers
04/30/2024 20:00:00 6 Adirondack Mountaineers 8 Vietnam Vets
04/30/2024 20:00:00 5 The Crunch Berries 4 Sacramento Sharks TV
04/30/2024 20:00:00 4 Garrettsburg Arrows 1 Vermilion Millions
04/30/2024 20:00:00 7 The Darius BBall Club 7 Eclipze
04/30/2024 20:00:00 1 San Jose Spartans 2 The Las Vegas Lakers
04/30/2024 20:00:00 8 Orlando Outrageous Oilers 3 New York Killers
04/30/2024 20:00:00 3 Baltimor alligators 6 The MisFits
04/30/2024 20:00:00 2 West Willow Wheelers 5 Stan Antonio Spurs
05/04/2024 20:00:00 6 Adirondack Mountaineers 1 San Jose Spartans
05/04/2024 20:00:00 5 The Crunch Berries 8 Orlando Outrageous Oilers
05/04/2024 20:00:00 4 Garrettsburg Arrows 3 Baltimor alligators
05/04/2024 20:00:00 7 The Darius BBall Club 2 West Willow Wheelers
05/04/2024 20:00:00 4 Sacramento Sharks 3 New York Killers
05/04/2024 20:00:00 1 Vermilion Millions 6 The MisFits
05/04/2024 20:00:00 7 Eclipze 5 Stan Antonio Spurs
05/04/2024 20:00:00 2 The Las Vegas Lakers 8 Vietnam Vets TV
05/07/2024 20:00:00 8 Orlando Outrageous Oilers 6 Adirondack Mountaineers TV
05/07/2024 20:00:00 3 Baltimor alligators 5 The Crunch Berries
05/07/2024 20:00:00 2 West Willow Wheelers 4 Garrettsburg Arrows
05/07/2024 20:00:00 1 San Jose Spartans 7 The Darius BBall Club
05/07/2024 20:00:00 6 The MisFits 4 Sacramento Sharks
05/07/2024 20:00:00 5 Stan Antonio Spurs 1 Vermilion Millions TV
05/07/2024 20:00:00 8 Vietnam Vets 7 Eclipze
05/07/2024 20:00:00 3 New York Killers 2 The Las Vegas Lakers
05/11/2024 20:00:00 6 Adirondack Mountaineers 3 Baltimor alligators
05/11/2024 20:00:00 5 The Crunch Berries 2 West Willow Wheelers TV
05/11/2024 20:00:00 4 Garrettsburg Arrows 1 San Jose Spartans
05/11/2024 20:00:00 7 The Darius BBall Club 8 Orlando Outrageous Oilers
05/11/2024 20:00:00 4 Sacramento Sharks 5 Stan Antonio Spurs
05/11/2024 20:00:00 1 Vermilion Millions 8 Vietnam Vets
05/11/2024 20:00:00 7 Eclipze 3 New York Killers
05/11/2024 20:00:00 2 The Las Vegas Lakers 6 The MisFits
05/14/2024 20:00:00 2 West Willow Wheelers 6 Adirondack Mountaineers
05/14/2024 20:00:00 1 San Jose Spartans 5 The Crunch Berries
05/14/2024 20:00:00 8 Orlando Outrageous Oilers 4 Garrettsburg Arrows
05/14/2024 20:00:00 3 Baltimor alligators 7 The Darius BBall Club
05/14/2024 20:00:00 8 Vietnam Vets 4 Sacramento Sharks
05/14/2024 20:00:00 3 New York Killers 1 Vermilion Millions
05/14/2024 20:00:00 6 The MisFits 7 Eclipze
05/14/2024 20:00:00 5 Stan Antonio Spurs 2 The Las Vegas Lakers
05/18/2024 20:00:00 6 Adirondack Mountaineers 4 Garrettsburg Arrows
05/18/2024 20:00:00 5 The Crunch Berries 7 The Darius BBall Club
05/18/2024 20:00:00 1 San Jose Spartans 3 Baltimor alligators TV
05/18/2024 20:00:00 8 Orlando Outrageous Oilers 2 West Willow Wheelers
05/18/2024 20:00:00 4 Sacramento Sharks 7 Eclipze TV
05/18/2024 20:00:00 1 Vermilion Millions 2 The Las Vegas Lakers
05/18/2024 20:00:00 3 New York Killers 5 Stan Antonio Spurs
05/18/2024 20:00:00 6 The MisFits 8 Vietnam Vets
05/21/2024 20:00:00 7 The Darius BBall Club 6 Adirondack Mountaineers
05/21/2024 20:00:00 4 Garrettsburg Arrows 5 The Crunch Berries
05/21/2024 20:00:00 2 West Willow Wheelers 1 San Jose Spartans
05/21/2024 20:00:00 3 Baltimor alligators 8 Orlando Outrageous Oilers
05/21/2024 20:00:00 2 The Las Vegas Lakers 4 Sacramento Sharks
05/21/2024 20:00:00 7 Eclipze 1 Vermilion Millions
05/21/2024 20:00:00 8 Vietnam Vets 3 New York Killers
05/21/2024 20:00:00 5 Stan Antonio Spurs 6 The MisFits
05/25/2024 20:00:00 6 Adirondack Mountaineers 5 The Crunch Berries
05/25/2024 20:00:00 4 Garrettsburg Arrows 7 The Darius BBall Club TV
05/25/2024 20:00:00 1 San Jose Spartans 8 Orlando Outrageous Oilers
05/25/2024 20:00:00 3 Baltimor alligators 2 West Willow Wheelers
05/25/2024 20:00:00 4 Sacramento Sharks 1 Vermilion Millions
05/25/2024 20:00:00 7 Eclipze 2 The Las Vegas Lakers
05/25/2024 20:00:00 3 New York Killers 6 The MisFits TV
05/25/2024 20:00:00 5 Stan Antonio Spurs 8 Vietnam Vets
TV: Televised