Current Standings
Saturday, July 27, 2024
OK Computer Thanatos T
BC Rūkas     Triperčina
ATLTruth II     Spandau Va
Oregon Omegas 东南之心

League Forum Sneak Peek
Recent Posts
By Kukoc-EestiU21 in S27:
My 37 yo guy just sidepopped in passing! ROFL!
By Coach_Nuggets in S27:
I'm not spending a dime on players this season. I have a trainee who I will train up to the best of my abilities, but I am going to save all the money I can get
By Kukoc-EestiU21 in S27:
Takeing it easy. Should get a coach soon, or my trainee transactions are useless:) Can't seem to make myself care for this team as much as my first baby :D
By OkayJay in S27:
Ok, were into our second week here in Utopia and things are starting to take shape. After battling my impatience and frustration with the transfer market my te
Injury Report
There are currently no injured players in this league or league matches are in progress.
Transfer List Report
Player Team Price Salary
Samuele Pierangeli ATLTruth II $ 150 000 $ 29 817
Daryl Rasmussen OK Computer $ 1 000 $ 14 138
Zachary Smith Oregon Omegas $ 9 000 $ 5 839
Team Stats
ATLTruth II 240 42.8-96.4 0.444 11.6-27.2 0.425 8.8-14.4 0.613 15.0 57.5 28.5 10.1 7.2 8.8 11.6 106.1 9.1
BC Rūkas 242 39.7-89.9 0.441 7.7-20.9 0.367 10.5-16.3 0.643 9.1 42.1 25.0 11.4 8.3 7.7 15.8 97.5 8.3
Belief 23?ers II 220 36.2-88.4 0.410 8.1-21.0 0.385 10.4-17.1 0.610 12.2 47.4 24.7 7.9 7.3 7.2 15.3 95.2 8.7
gross II 240 39.1-89.8 0.435 8.4-21.6 0.390 7.8-14.6 0.537 10.5 47.6 23.5 15.9 6.2 6.7 14.5 94.4 7.7
K.Y.K.B 229 18.5-74.3 0.249 3.8-19.8 0.189 8.9-15.2 0.585 9.0 36.8 8.3 24.2 4.1 2.2 13.3 50.8 2.8
OK Computer 240 42.2-87.1 0.484 9.2-20.2 0.453 17.2-23.2 0.745 8.9 49.2 30.8 11.8 11.2 9.5 12.4 110.8 9.4
Olimpia Margot 240 36.3-97.6 0.372 9.3-25.2 0.371 9.8-14.1 0.698 19.4 56.3 23.9 12.2 8.5 6.1 17.6 91.8 8.2
Oregon Omegas 240 35.9-90.2 0.398 6.4-18.2 0.353 12.8-17.5 0.729 11.3 48.2 26.2 10.2 7.9 8.5 14.0 91.0 8.6
Raptor City B.C. II 200 23.9-72.5 0.330 5.1-16.3 0.311 7.6-14.1 0.538 12.9 37.2 17.4 12.9 7.2 4.2 13.1 60.5 6.5
Spandau Valkyries 240 43.2-91.4 0.473 7.5-20.0 0.375 13.2-18.7 0.705 13.3 54.5 30.3 7.5 8.3 10.2 12.0 107.2 10.6
Thanatos To Team II 240 44.5-89.5 0.497 6.8-17.8 0.380 10.7-16.5 0.646 13.4 58.0 30.2 13.5 8.1 9.5 14.2 106.4 9.7
Triperčina 240 41.4-99.2 0.417 12.4-30.1 0.413 9.8-13.1 0.745 15.5 55.8 29.1 10.0 6.8 7.5 15.2 105.0 8.1
Vremeplov Svemirci 242 37.3-94.3 0.396 7.2-21.2 0.337 16.2-22.8 0.712 12.4 49.7 24.7 12.9 8.7 6.6 14.3 98.1 7.5
Wellington Jets 220 31.2-84.4 0.369 2.7-10.8 0.248 8.6-16.2 0.528 13.8 49.5 22.3 11.8 6.4 7.2 13.6 77.8 7.3
东南之心 240 45.2-95.1 0.476 12.6-28.2 0.447 10.4-13.2 0.786 8.1 45.8 29.3 9.1 10.5 4.8 16.8 113.5 9.5
我哋真係好撚鍾意香港 211 14.0-72.5 0.193 4.8-23.2 0.204 10.0-14.5 0.690 14.3 44.4 6.8 19.7 4.3 6.8 14.2 46.3 6.5
Best Performances
Remigiusz Kukier
105 Points
Ingo-Lutz Ahrbrück
41 Rebounds
Danail Cobovski
24 Assists
Nakis Moustakis
13 Blocks