Number of Divisions: 3

Active Teams: 41

Users Online: 0

Complete league list


Points per game: 35.6 by Tibor Peham
Rebounds per game: 18.4 by Harald Stastny
Assists per game: 15.6 by Günther Rauscher
Blocks per game: 3.6 by Abdourahmane War

Best Performances:

Points: 86 by Ray Dyer
Rebounds: 44 by  Graham Hartley
Assists: 30 by Sebastian Niederl
Blocks: 13 by Tom Schintler

National Forum Sneak Peek:

Transferwerbung/Transfer Ads (222)

National Team:

Team Page
Election Central


Manager Rating:


Junior National Team:

Team Page
Election Central


Manager Rating:

Team Rank per Season Started
Team Country Rank World Rank
Season 2
3D Dennis Scott´s Magic 31 10709
Season 3
Joe.City.Nets 1 58
Lokomotive Coma 2 74
CB Schnubu 3 173
LA_Lakers 4 242
simplebox 8 988
wpbasket 12 1725
Season 4
Meidling Parrots 11 1492
Bisamberg Torpedos 13 2193
Season 5
Ligister Globetrotters 9 1044
Season 24
Lyon Villeurbanne 14 2277
Season 30
BBC Mounier Wels 33 12960
Season 37
Electrolux Basket 20 5360
Season 43
BV Mitterkirchen 5 329
Season 52
Die Nussberts 7 923
OL. Gryffindor 10 1303
GiantPanda 32 12713
Season 53
Luban Basketball 16 4449
Season 55
InAltoStat Virtus Klagenfurt 29 9399
Season 56
tütülütmitü 21 6403
Big Dogs Graz 23 6850
Season 58
Steyr Bären 18 5017
Wagrain Lakers 27 8993
Season 60
Union Klaffer 6 341
Schmutzer Buam 15 2427
Weinhauser Hoopers 24 7086
Flyers Wels 25 7206
Wieden Greenthumbs 30 10073
Season 61
FSK Füchse 19 5215
Loiser Heckenklescha 22 6647
Season 62
DerStandard 26 7792
Season 64
Außergewöhnliche Niemande 35 14033
Season 65
Smashing Dunkings 17 4579
Innsbruck Pirates 28 9116
Season 67
STYG OPR AP Dogs 34 13977
Wüdsauwiaga 36 14266
RB-Salzburg 37 14356
Golden States Warriors 38 14496
Golden States Churros 39 14564
Villach Hornets 41 14649

Titles per Team
# Team
1 Lokomotive Coma, won Bundesliga 8 times, was runner up in Bundesliga 13 times, won Österreich-Pokal 8 times, was runner up in Österreich-Pokal 7 times.
2 CB Schnubu, won Bundesliga 8 times, was runner up in Bundesliga 9 times, won Österreich-Pokal 4 times, was runner up in Österreich-Pokal 5 times.
3 Lyon Villeurbanne, won Bundesliga 8 times, was runner up in Bundesliga 3 times, won Österreich-Pokal 2 times.
4 Eggersdorfer Rebounder, won Bundesliga 8 times, was runner up in Bundesliga 1 time, won Österreich-Pokal 5 times, was runner up in Österreich-Pokal 1 time.
5 Joe.City.Nets, won Bundesliga 7 times, was runner up in Bundesliga 9 times, won Österreich-Pokal 5 times, was runner up in Österreich-Pokal 1 time.
6 Bisamberg Torpedos, won Bundesliga 3 times, was runner up in Bundesliga 2 times, won Österreich-Pokal 4 times.
7 Meidling Parrots, won Bundesliga 3 times, was runner up in Bundesliga 1 time, won Österreich-Pokal 8 times, was runner up in Österreich-Pokal 4 times.
8 Lightning Ravens, won Bundesliga 3 times, was runner up in Bundesliga 1 time, won Österreich-Pokal 2 times, was runner up in Österreich-Pokal 2 times.
9 Serious Celtics, won Bundesliga 3 times, won Österreich-Pokal 2 times, was runner up in Österreich-Pokal 3 times.
10 LA_Lakers, won Bundesliga 2 times, was runner up in Bundesliga 4 times, won Österreich-Pokal 5 times, was runner up in Österreich-Pokal 9 times.
11 3D Dennis Scott´s Magic, won Bundesliga 2 times, was runner up in Bundesliga 2 times, won Österreich-Pokal 2 times, was runner up in Österreich-Pokal 3 times.
12 BB Chicago Bulls, won Bundesliga 2 times, was runner up in Bundesliga 2 times, won Österreich-Pokal 2 times.
13 BV Mitterkirchen, won Bundesliga 2 times, won Österreich-Pokal 1 time, was runner up in Österreich-Pokal 6 times.
14 Ballhüüfer United, won Bundesliga 2 times, won Österreich-Pokal 1 time, was runner up in Österreich-Pokal 1 time.
15 SBG Promqueenz, won Bundesliga 1 time, was runner up in Bundesliga 4 times, won Österreich-Pokal 4 times, was runner up in Österreich-Pokal 2 times.
16 HGB Nerds, won Bundesliga 1 time, was runner up in Bundesliga 2 times, won Österreich-Pokal 1 time, was runner up in Österreich-Pokal 3 times.
17 Flying Mikis, won Bundesliga 1 time, won Österreich-Pokal 1 time, was runner up in Österreich-Pokal 3 times.
18 Ladendorfer Korbleger, won Bundesliga 1 time.
19 Haselbacher Dreipunkter, was runner up in Bundesliga 3 times, won Österreich-Pokal 1 time, was runner up in Österreich-Pokal 1 time.
20 indiana hernoiz, was runner up in Bundesliga 2 times.
21 Electrolux Basket, was runner up in Bundesliga 1 time, won Österreich-Pokal 2 times, was runner up in Österreich-Pokal 3 times.
22 simplebox, was runner up in Bundesliga 1 time, was runner up in Österreich-Pokal 2 times.
23 BC SIATISTA, was runner up in Bundesliga 1 time.
24 SG Sauhaufn, was runner up in Bundesliga 1 time.
25 deckngeber, was runner up in Bundesliga 1 time.
26 Wien Trittbrettfahrer, was runner up in Bundesliga 1 time.
27 Austrian Officers, was runner up in Bundesliga 1 time.
28 Wels Mads, won Österreich-Pokal 1 time, was runner up in Österreich-Pokal 1 time.
29 Anaheim Destroyer, won Österreich-Pokal 1 time.
30 Virtual Insanity, won Österreich-Pokal 1 time.
31 Rottweilers Kleinegg, won Österreich-Pokal 1 time.
32 Union Klaffer, won Österreich-Pokal 1 time.
33 SV-Mensdorff-Pouilly, was runner up in Österreich-Pokal 1 time.
34 Flowers Murdorf, was runner up in Österreich-Pokal 1 time.
35 wpbasket, was runner up in Österreich-Pokal 1 time.
36 SANSUSI, was runner up in Österreich-Pokal 1 time.
37 Unsere kleine Farm, was runner up in Österreich-Pokal 1 time.
38 PFK Torpedo 03, was runner up in Österreich-Pokal 1 time.
39 Ligister Globetrotters, was runner up in Österreich-Pokal 1 time.
40 Danube Gorillaz, was runner up in Österreich-Pokal 1 time.

Top League and Tournament History
Top League Winners
Season Champion Runner-Up
66 Lokomotive Coma Joe.City.Nets
65 CB Schnubu Joe.City.Nets
64 CB Schnubu Joe.City.Nets
63 Lyon Villeurbanne CB Schnubu
62 Lyon Villeurbanne simplebox
61 Lyon Villeurbanne Lokomotive Coma
60 Lyon Villeurbanne Lokomotive Coma
59 Lokomotive Coma Lyon Villeurbanne
58 Lokomotive Coma Lyon Villeurbanne
57 BV Mitterkirchen Meidling Parrots
56 BV Mitterkirchen Joe.City.Nets
55 Lokomotive Coma Electrolux Basket
54 Lokomotive Coma Lyon Villeurbanne
53 Joe.City.Nets Lokomotive Coma
52 Joe.City.Nets Lokomotive Coma
51 Joe.City.Nets CB Schnubu
50 Joe.City.Nets CB Schnubu
49 Joe.City.Nets CB Schnubu
48 Joe.City.Nets Austrian Officers
47 Lyon Villeurbanne SBG Promqueenz
46 Lyon Villeurbanne SBG Promqueenz
45 SBG Promqueenz Lokomotive Coma
44 CB Schnubu SBG Promqueenz
43 CB Schnubu SBG Promqueenz
42 CB Schnubu LA_Lakers
41 Lyon Villeurbanne LA_Lakers
40 Lyon Villeurbanne Bisamberg Torpedos
39 Lokomotive Coma LA_Lakers
38 Lokomotive Coma Joe.City.Nets
37 Joe.City.Nets Lokomotive Coma
36 LA_Lakers Lokomotive Coma
35 3D Dennis Scott´s Magic CB Schnubu
34 Meidling Parrots CB Schnubu
33 3D Dennis Scott´s Magic HGB Nerds
32 Lightning Ravens Joe.City.Nets
31 CB Schnubu Joe.City.Nets
30 Lightning Ravens Joe.City.Nets
29 Lightning Ravens HGB Nerds
28 HGB Nerds Lokomotive Coma
27 Bisamberg Torpedos Wien Trittbrettfahrer
26 Bisamberg Torpedos Eggersdorfer Rebounder
25 Bisamberg Torpedos BB Chicago Bulls
24 BB Chicago Bulls Bisamberg Torpedos
23 BB Chicago Bulls CB Schnubu
22 Meidling Parrots BB Chicago Bulls
21 Lokomotive Coma Lightning Ravens
20 Meidling Parrots Lokomotive Coma
19 LA_Lakers Lokomotive Coma
18 Flying Mikis Lokomotive Coma
17 CB Schnubu Lokomotive Coma
16 CB Schnubu Lokomotive Coma
15 Eggersdorfer Rebounder CB Schnubu
14 Eggersdorfer Rebounder CB Schnubu
13 Eggersdorfer Rebounder 3D Dennis Scott´s Magic
12 Eggersdorfer Rebounder LA_Lakers
11 Eggersdorfer Rebounder Haselbacher Dreipunkter
10 Eggersdorfer Rebounder Haselbacher Dreipunkter
9 Eggersdorfer Rebounder Haselbacher Dreipunkter
8 Eggersdorfer Rebounder 3D Dennis Scott´s Magic
7 Serious Celtics indiana hernoiz
6 Serious Celtics indiana hernoiz
5 Ballhüüfer United deckngeber
4 Ballhüüfer United Joe.City.Nets
3 Serious Celtics SG Sauhaufn
2 Ladendorfer Korbleger BC SIATISTA
Cup Winners
Season Champion Runner-Up
66 Union Klaffer LA_Lakers
65 Joe.City.Nets simplebox
64 Joe.City.Nets LA_Lakers
63 CB Schnubu Ligister Globetrotters
62 Meidling Parrots BV Mitterkirchen
61 Lyon Villeurbanne Electrolux Basket
60 Lokomotive Coma BV Mitterkirchen
59 Lokomotive Coma Meidling Parrots
58 Electrolux Basket BV Mitterkirchen
57 Lokomotive Coma BV Mitterkirchen
56 Joe.City.Nets Lokomotive Coma
55 BV Mitterkirchen Electrolux Basket
54 Lokomotive Coma BV Mitterkirchen
53 Lokomotive Coma LA_Lakers
52 Meidling Parrots BV Mitterkirchen
51 Meidling Parrots SV-Mensdorff-Pouilly
50 Electrolux Basket LA_Lakers
49 Meidling Parrots Electrolux Basket
48 Joe.City.Nets CB Schnubu
47 Lokomotive Coma CB Schnubu
46 SBG Promqueenz wpbasket
45 SBG Promqueenz Lokomotive Coma
44 SBG Promqueenz CB Schnubu
43 LA_Lakers Lokomotive Coma
42 SBG Promqueenz Lokomotive Coma
41 CB Schnubu SBG Promqueenz
40 Virtual Insanity Meidling Parrots
39 HGB Nerds CB Schnubu
38 Lyon Villeurbanne LA_Lakers
37 Lokomotive Coma 3D Dennis Scott´s Magic
36 Lokomotive Coma LA_Lakers
35 LA_Lakers 3D Dennis Scott´s Magic
34 Meidling Parrots Danube Gorillaz
33 CB Schnubu SBG Promqueenz
32 Anaheim Destroyer HGB Nerds
31 Lightning Ravens Lokomotive Coma
30 Joe.City.Nets Lightning Ravens
29 Lightning Ravens Joe.City.Nets
28 Bisamberg Torpedos HGB Nerds
27 Bisamberg Torpedos Lokomotive Coma
26 Bisamberg Torpedos SANSUSI
25 BB Chicago Bulls Wels Mads
24 BB Chicago Bulls Unsere kleine Farm
23 Wels Mads Lokomotive Coma
22 Bisamberg Torpedos Meidling Parrots
21 Meidling Parrots Flying Mikis
20 Meidling Parrots Flying Mikis
19 Flying Mikis Lightning Ravens
18 Eggersdorfer Rebounder HGB Nerds
17 Meidling Parrots Flying Mikis
16 3D Dennis Scott´s Magic CB Schnubu
15 Eggersdorfer Rebounder LA_Lakers
14 Eggersdorfer Rebounder simplebox
13 3D Dennis Scott´s Magic LA_Lakers
12 Eggersdorfer Rebounder Meidling Parrots
11 Haselbacher Dreipunkter 3D Dennis Scott´s Magic
10 Eggersdorfer Rebounder Haselbacher Dreipunkter
9 LA_Lakers Eggersdorfer Rebounder
8 Serious Celtics LA_Lakers
7 CB Schnubu Serious Celtics
6 LA_Lakers PFK Torpedo 03
5 Ballhüüfer United Serious Celtics
4 LA_Lakers Serious Celtics
3 Serious Celtics Ballhüüfer United
2 Rottweilers Kleinegg Flowers Murdorf
Country and World Rankings
Country World Team
1 58 Joe.City.Nets
2 74 Lokomotive Coma
3 173 CB Schnubu
4 242 LA_Lakers
5 329 BV Mitterkirchen
6 341 Union Klaffer
7 923 Die Nussberts
8 988 simplebox
9 1044 Ligister Globetrotters
10 1303 OL. Gryffindor
B3 Participation History
In season 66, Joe.City.Nets were one of the final 64 teams in the B3
In season 66, CB Schnubu played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 65, Joe.City.Nets were one of the final 64 teams in the B3
In season 65, CB Schnubu played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 64, CB Schnubu played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 64, Lyon Villeurbanne played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 63, Lyon Villeurbanne played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 63, Meidling Parrots played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 62, Lyon Villeurbanne played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 62, Lokomotive Coma played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 61, Lokomotive Coma played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 61, Lyon Villeurbanne played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 60, Lokomotive Coma played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 59, Lokomotive Coma were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 59, Electrolux Basket played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 59, BV Mitterkirchen played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 58, Lokomotive Coma were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 58, BV Mitterkirchen played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 57, BV Mitterkirchen were one of the final 64 teams in the B3
In season 57, Lokomotive Coma played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 57, Joe.City.Nets played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 56, Lokomotive Coma were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 56, BV Mitterkirchen were one of the final 64 teams in the B3
In season 55, Lokomotive Coma were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 54, Lokomotive Coma played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 54, Joe.City.Nets played in the group stage of B3 with 0 wins.
In season 53, Joe.City.Nets played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 53, Meidling Parrots played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 52, Joe.City.Nets played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 52, Meidling Parrots played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 51, Joe.City.Nets played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 51, Electrolux Basket played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 50, Joe.City.Nets were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 50, Meidling Parrots played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 49, Joe.City.Nets played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 48, Lyon Villeurbanne played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 48, Lokomotive Coma played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 48, SBG Promqueenz played in the group stage of B3 with 0 wins.
In season 47, SBG Promqueenz played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 47, Lyon Villeurbanne played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 46, SBG Promqueenz played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 45, SBG Promqueenz played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 45, CB Schnubu played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 44, CB Schnubu were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 44, LA_Lakers were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 43, SBG Promqueenz were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 43, CB Schnubu played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 42, CB Schnubu played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 42, Lyon Villeurbanne played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 41, Lyon Villeurbanne played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 41, Virtual Insanity played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 40, Lokomotive Coma played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 40, HGB Nerds played in the group stage of B3 with 1 wins.
In season 39, Lokomotive Coma were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 39, Lyon Villeurbanne played in the group stage of B3 with 6 wins.
In season 38, Lokomotive Coma played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 38, Joe.City.Nets played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 37, Lokomotive Coma played in the group stage of B3 with 6 wins.
In season 37, LA_Lakers played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 36, LA_Lakers played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 36, 3D Dennis Scott´s Magic played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 35, Meidling Parrots played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 34, 3D Dennis Scott´s Magic played in the group stage of B3 with 6 wins.
In season 34, CB Schnubu played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 33, Lightning Ravens played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 33, Anaheim Destroyer played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 32, Lightning Ravens played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 32, CB Schnubu played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 31, Lightning Ravens played in the group stage of B3 with 6 wins.
In season 31, Joe.City.Nets played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 30, Lightning Ravens reached the quarterfinals of the B3
In season 29, HGB Nerds were one of the final 16 teams in the B3
In season 29, Bisamberg Torpedos played in the group stage of B3 with 1 wins.
In season 28, Bisamberg Torpedos reached the quarterfinals of the B3
In season 27, Bisamberg Torpedos were one of the final 16 teams in the B3
In season 26, Bisamberg Torpedos played in the group stage of B3 with 6 wins.
In season 26, BB Chicago Bulls played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 25, BB Chicago Bulls played in the group stage of B3 with 6 wins.
In season 24, BB Chicago Bulls were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 24, Wels Mads played in the group stage of B3 with 1 wins.
In season 23, Bisamberg Torpedos played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 23, Meidling Parrots played in the group stage of B3 with 2 wins.
In season 22, Meidling Parrots were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 22, Lokomotive Coma played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 21, Meidling Parrots were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 20, LA_Lakers played in the group stage of B3 with 6 wins.
In season 20, Flying Mikis played in the group stage of B3 with 5 wins.
In season 19, Flying Mikis played in the group stage of B3 with 6 wins.
In season 19, Eggersdorfer Rebounder played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 18, Meidling Parrots played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 18, CB Schnubu played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 17, CB Schnubu played in the group stage of B3 with 4 wins.
In season 17, 3D Dennis Scott´s Magic played in the group stage of B3 with 3 wins.
In season 16, Eggersdorfer Rebounder were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 15, Eggersdorfer Rebounder reached the semifinals of the B3
In season 14, Eggersdorfer Rebounder reached the quarterfinals of the B3
In season 14, 3D Dennis Scott´s Magic were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 13, Eggersdorfer Rebounder reached the quarterfinals of the B3
In season 12, Eggersdorfer Rebounder were one of the final 64 teams in the B3
In season 12, Haselbacher Dreipunkter were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 11, Eggersdorfer Rebounder were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 10, Eggersdorfer Rebounder were one of the final 64 teams in the B3
In season 10, LA_Lakers were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 9, Eggersdorfer Rebounder were one of the final 64 teams in the B3
In season 9, Serious Celtics were one of the final 256 teams in the B3
In season 8, CB Schnubu were one of the final 64 teams in the B3
In season 8, Serious Celtics were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 7, Serious Celtics were one of the final 32 teams in the B3
In season 7, LA_Lakers were one of the final 64 teams in the B3
In season 6, Ballhüüfer United reached the quarterfinals of the B3
In season 5, Ballhüüfer United were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 5, LA_Lakers were one of the final 128 teams in the B3
In season 5, Serious Celtics were one of the final 256 teams in the B3
