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USA - IV.50 > IV 40 Chronicles (PLEASE ANSWER)

IV 40 Chronicles (PLEASE ANSWER)

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Date: 11/26/2008 8:09:23 PM
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This will be a thread regarding this year's season in the IV.50 conference. To make this happen, however, I need to ask you guys (and girls) some questions.

What area of the U.S. are we in in this conference? (northeast, southwest, etc.)

Are we college? High school? (pick one)

What is a more appropriate conference name? (can or cannot be real)

Who is your team leader? (player on your team, must be from U.S.)

What team do you control? (team name)

Whare is your team SPECIFICALLY located? (somewhere in your area of U.S. could be changed, based on popular vote)

Who is your real rival? (not the one listed in your overview, one you pick)

WHo is your team's ally team? (must be from IV.50, but can be from other side of standings or conference)

What is your favorite NBA team (Boston Celtics, San Antonio Spurs, etc.)

How long have you been GM (game time, not actual)

Could you note any MAJOR changes in your program? (transfers, staff, NOT arena)

What game(s) would you like to have PR coverage on (up to 5)

If you could take the time to answer these questions, I would greatly appreciate it. The deadline for answerine these questions is 12/9/08 at 10:00 P.M. Any new teams entering the conference will have one week to answer the questionarre.

Last edited by Somebody Important at 12/6/2008 3:01:31 PM

This Post:
61117.2 in reply to 61117.1
Date: 11/26/2008 8:20:51 PM
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QUestion Answers

1. The Midwest (Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio)

2. College

3. The Midwest Athletic Conference

4. Errol Broussard

5. Big Rapids Cardinals

6. Big Rapids, OH

7. Gr33n Arch3rs

8. YaoMacCombo

9. Detroit Pistons

10. Since near end of last season (6 games left, came in due to straight losses)

11. Yes (in fact, just acquired Marcus Deisig)

12. vs. Gr33n Arch3rs, 12/2/08 @ Gz Up, 12/9/08 @ Celtics UN, 12/16/08
vs. Nashty Boys, 1/3/09 @ Gr33n Arch3rs, 1/27/09

This Post:
61117.3 in reply to 61117.2
Date: 12/2/2008 9:21:24 PM
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The Big Rapids Cardinals have acquired star point guard Marco Camilli from the Finnish team of BC HUURUPALLIT. He has averaged an average of 6.5 in his recent career, and has also been playing against higher competition. He is our team's new starting PG as of tonight's game against Gr33n Arch3rs.

This Post:
61117.4 in reply to 61117.3
Date: 12/6/2008 11:08:32 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
SportsCenter Broadcast 1

Josh Elliot: I report that we have breaking news out of the IV.50 League. This is very critical for the Great 8 conference. We have stationed Erin Andrews at the Toronto-Dominion Bank North Garden to cover the story. Erin?

Erin Andrews: Yes, this is big news for the conference. Due to Baba's Club'slack of dedication for the team, Baba's Club has been discontinued, and replaced with Celtics #1. I'm here with the coach of Celtics #1, Bigby C.S. Bigby, what are your expectations for your team this year?

Bigby C.S: Well, we don't have the highest of expectations for our team, since most of our team has very little basketball experience to begin with. We hope that our team is able to surive elimination, and possibly make it to the playoffs.

Erin: Which player on your team do you think will make the largest impact on games this year?

Bigby: It's a tough choice between our team's best PG and PF, but I'm goint to have to say Jesus Rivas Prieto, out of El Cajon, California. He'll be tough to beat under the net.

Erin: Thank you. That's it for this edition of SportsCenter.

Last edited by Somebody Important at 12/10/2008 10:57:46 AM

This Post:
61117.5 in reply to 61117.4
Date: 12/6/2008 3:22:37 PM
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The Big Rapids Cardinals have acquired a shooting guard and a power forward for their squad. The SG, Angelo Decandia, is an Italian player from the Portugese Division II.1 team Ovar Flash Vipers. Decandia is a generally strong player, averaging 7.0 in season 6. He has missed Season 7 due to an injury, but will recover once the week is finished.
The PF, Andreas Reinumagi, is an Estonian player from the Itanian III.11 team Air Jordan89 Team. Reinumagi has played 2 games in his career, both in Season 7, averaging 7.0. However, he has a DMI of only 6900. Reinumagi has never been injured in his career.

Last edited by Somebody Important at 12/9/2008 10:52:07 AM

This Post:
61117.6 in reply to 61117.5
Date: 12/9/2008 11:08:31 AM
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The Big Rapids Cardinals have recently acquired two shooting guards to their roster. The first shooting guard, signed 14 seconds before the other one, is Carlos Pizarro, 18, from the Belgian III.12 team BC Gum. He has not played any games in the year, and was just drafted this year. He has a DMI of 6100, and has never been injured in his career. The second SG is Adrian Vega, 30, of the Spanish IV.36 team C.B. Ninodolze. He has averaged 6.5 so far this season, and has a whopping DMI of 23000, the 3rd highest on the team. He has had no injuries in his career, and is expected to be a starter.

This Post:
61117.7 in reply to 61117.6
Date: 12/21/2008 4:34:44 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Three New Teams Join Big 8, Look to Change Playoff Picture

Greg Gumbel, the leading collegiate sports anchor, did 3 interviews with 3 new teams in the Big 8 conference. Each team had different ideals, but they all had the same goal...

Greg: I'm here at The Union Center with Chris Loeb, the head coach of the new team Beatrice, replacing Boston Celtics Always. Chris, what position does your team look to improve at this year?

Chris: PF. We've been filling some C's in the void, but they don't have the physicality needed for the PF position.

Greg: Who do you think is the best player on your team?

Chris: Glenn Stephenson. He's my starting PF [actually a C] who puts up solid numbers in rebounding.

Greg: What is your team's goal for this year?

Chris: To get in the playoffs. It looks like it's going to be a three-man battle for the last two spots in the playoffs. The top two teams are both strong contenders, so we don't expect to get past the first round.

Greg: Thank you for your time. (looks at camera). I'm now going to the Camel Dome to speak with the second new team in the Big 8, the Tallahassee Camel Toes. Their head coach is Jackson Meterman.

Greg: Meterman, what position is your team looking to improve at this year?

Meterman: That would be C. We've bought multiple transfers to fill the position, but nobody seems to be able to get the job done.

Greg: Who do you think is the best player on your team?

Meterman: Probably Clyde Vogel. He's an aggressive shooter, but has an unmatchable amount of discipline on the court.

Greg: What is your team's goal for this season?

Meterman: Definitely to get into the playoffs. There looks to be a great battle for the two lower-tier positioins. We may be able to challenge the teams once we get in the playoffs, but the likeliness of us winning is low.

Greg: Thank you. (LAC). We are now heading to San Diego Stadium to talk to Lumang Tugtugin, the German coach of yet another new team in the Big 8, Balbonizers.

Greg: What position do you think your team needs to improve at this year?

Lumang: SG. Not only do we not have any SGs, but most of our top players are PFs, who cannot play the SG position.

Greg: Which player on your team do you think performs the best?

Lumang: Cyril Combs. He's big, he's bad, and he's powerful. We expect him to put up numbers good enough to become the league's MVP, even on the bench.

Greg: What is your team's goal this season?

Lumang: To get in the playoffs. If we play hard, we could finish in the 3rd spot and have a chance to defeat one of our rivals, Gz Up.

Greg: Thank you for joining me. That does it for this edition of SportsCenter.

This Post:
61117.8 in reply to 61117.7
Date: 12/21/2008 4:43:04 PM
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Midseason Playoff Predictions from SportsCenter

Big 8 Final Standings
1. Big Rapids Cardinals
2. Gz Up
3. Tallahassee Camel Toes
4. Beatrice

1st Round
BRC defeats BET, 108 - 90
GZP defeats TCT, 101 - 87

2nd Round
BRC defeats GZP, 121 - 117, 1 OT

Great 8 Final Standings
1. Razers
2. Nashty Boys
3. Mapleton Mashers
4. YaoMacCombo

1st Round
RZR defeats YMC, 96 - 78
MPM defeats NSB, 109 - 106

2nd Round
RZR defeats MPM, 103 - 92

Finals - Razers Ad.
RZR defeats BRC, 102 - 95

That does it for this edition of SportsCenter.

This Post:
61117.9 in reply to 61117.8
Date: 12/21/2008 4:49:14 PM
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I'm sure there is no Bias in this asessment,

This Post:
61117.10 in reply to 61117.9
Date: 12/21/2008 5:02:43 PM
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This survey is so I can portray your team the way YOU want me to portray them. The purpose of this is that I don't end up making someone say something that they may find offending.

This Post:
61117.11 in reply to 61117.10
Date: 12/21/2008 5:28:08 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
I was just jerking your chain,...

What area of the U.S. are we in in this conference? (northeast, southwest, etc.)

Are we college? High school? (pick one)

What is a more appropriate conference name? (can or cannot be real)
Doesn't matter

Who is your team leader? (player on your team, must be from U.S.)
C. Vogel

What team do you control? (team name)
Tallahassee Camel Toes

Whare is your team SPECIFICALLY located? (somewhere in your area of U.S. could be changed, based on popular vote)
Tallahasse Florida

Who is your real rival? (not the one listed in your overview, one you pick)
Hmmm Let me Play a few games first,...

WHo is your team's ally team? (must be from IV.50, but can be from other side of standings or conference)
South Georgia Red Beavers - in - League IV.46 (Brother's team)
IN IV.50 I'll have to play a few games first...

What is your favorite NBA team (Boston Celtics, San Antonio Spurs, etc.)
LOL - Atlanta Hawks - (Yeah I know)

How long have you been GM (game time, not actual)
Just now,...

Could you note any MAJOR changes in your program? (transfers, staff, NOT arena)
​I have a few Transfers - hopefully they can be coached up

What game(s) would you like to have PR coverage on (up to 5)
Any agains Playoff Caliber Teams...