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League 50 Season 29 Team Shouts

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Date: 12/6/2014 1:44:37 PM
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Hey yall, its Mark from the Tech Titans....Its been fun so far this season...looks like things are going to become more competitive as we go down the stretch. In the Big 8 my Titans are still in the 1 position but I'm looking in my rearveiw mirror at Mololla who is MUCH tougher than when we faced ea other earlier this season. Speaking of Mololla, they have a BIG game tonight vs the Dunkers which should be a great match. I'll be eyeing that one for sure. The great 8 is up for grabs with the D League Dunkers and the Springfield Storm which is going to be tight as we come to the playoffs. I'm also giving love to other playoff teams such as Da Dawgs, Backboard Breakers and Georgia Pearls. BUT there is ONE team that I would worry about if they were going to make a run and that would be HOMEBOYZ. WTH???? Have any of ya looked at this teams roster??? He is loaded with some great players but looks like he primarily plays for the cup which is awesome. Homeboyz would make things alot more interesting if they make a push because they can probably beat any team on any given night. Anyway, I am from Naptown (Indianapolis, IN), the HOME of basketball. Hope to hear from others as we move along this season. Good luck, stay healthy, Peace & Love.

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265351.2 in reply to 265351.1
Date: 12/7/2014 9:44:30 AM
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Well..gotta say MOLALLA is the real deal as they put a thumping on the Dunkers last night winning with a balanced attack 105-91 with they're bigs controlling the game. Looks like the Big 8 is going to heat up and give the mighty TITANS a run. Should be interesting.

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265351.3 in reply to 265351.1
Date: 12/7/2014 7:52:52 PM
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Thx for the shout out. I'm from Plamyra , Pa. just outside of Hershey, Pa. I do plan on making on making a run. I put myself in hole but we will see. Good luck the rest of the way...

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265351.4 in reply to 265351.1
Date: 12/8/2014 10:26:57 AM
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Nice to meet you guys and welcome to the league. I had high hopes this season, but did not figure in the two teams coming down from the division ahead of us. But having active managers has made this season a bit more of a learning experiance for me and have enjoyed it. Keep up the good work!

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265351.5 in reply to 265351.3
Date: 12/8/2014 6:13:55 PM
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Man....I knew you would eventually make a run....Good timing as well. Even though your in a small rut you can make the playoffs with a few more wins and a loss here and there from whoever is in front of you...Good Luck, The more comp the better. I like winning games against teams at full roster strength.

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265351.6 in reply to 265351.1
Date: 12/9/2014 6:47:51 AM
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Thanks for giving me a shoutout guys and I'm so grateful to be in such a great league and I'm really surprised that we're sitting at 4 seed right now but I've had a great experience since moving up into this league

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265351.7 in reply to 265351.6
Date: 12/9/2014 5:49:55 PM
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Hey luwaun...looks like we're going head to head tonight. Hopefully i can get a win....u have some tuff guys. Should be a good one.
Peace man

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265351.8 in reply to 265351.7
Date: 12/10/2014 10:16:25 AM
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Mololla! Beats Springfield....BIG UPS MAN. You should have everybody's attention now. I see ya creeping up little by little

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265351.9 in reply to 265351.8
Date: 12/24/2014 10:15:48 AM
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Way to go HOMEBOYZ. Nice game. Great team man. I knew u were going to be trouble.

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265351.10 in reply to 265351.9
Date: 12/24/2014 1:53:55 PM
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Thx, I have a feeling we will be meeting one more time this season. My 3 guards have been training at a good pace. Just need my bigs to stay healthy.

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265351.11 in reply to 265351.10
Date: 12/25/2014 7:58:45 AM
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Yeah, I hope my guys stay healthy, trying to get they're game shape up for playoffs. I am waiting for one of my main guys to get injured...always happens it seems.