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[TUTORING] The Mentorship Thread

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262132.5 in reply to 262132.4
Date: 8/14/2014 4:09:00 PM
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I'm willing to help some newbies out so sign me up. I may only have a season and a half under my belt but I understand the aspects of BB.

"Fans never fall asleep at our games, because they're afraid they might get hit by a pass." George Raveling
From: Myles

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262132.6 in reply to 262132.1
Date: 8/14/2014 4:48:54 PM
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Sure, I will do it. 13 seasons of BB will do it.
I've only mentored one man before but, ready to help
But, you have to remember if someone is stubborn enough, they won't think we are right.
Long live BB!

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262132.7 in reply to 262132.1
Date: 8/14/2014 5:34:24 PM
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I can mentor, I only have 2 and a half seasons under my belt, but I have learned a lot through the USA offsite and am willing to help out.

From: Myles

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262132.13 in reply to 262132.11
Date: 8/14/2014 8:38:16 PM
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Yes I speak french

From: Greggs

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262132.14 in reply to 262132.2
Date: 8/14/2014 8:55:44 PM
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looking for some advice
