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BB USA > [NT] Prediction Challenge

[NT] Prediction Challenge

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From: wozzvt
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Date: 12/24/2009 9:20:25 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
The US NT kicks off our next journey towards World's on Monday with a game vs Paraguay. This season, to help generate some extra interest in the games, we're going to start an Outcome Prediction Challenge.

For every competitive (non-scrimmage) game, from the time I post the game thread until tip-off, post your prediction for the final score of the game. Over the course of the season, we'll tally up how close everyone got to the actual point differential, and whoever's closest will win a supporter package (at least 3mo, though perhaps more if we get a good turnout).

Edit: Clarifying the scoring:

- Not submitting a prediction will treated as the worst prediction +5 (+0 for our first 3 games)
- 5 pt penalty (+5) for picking the loser (this is in addition to the PD likely being high as well... e.g. if A beats B by 2, and you picked B to beat A by 2, the PD is 4, but then +5 is added after that as an additional penalty)
- 3 pt bonus (-3) for nailing the PD.
- BB's, GM's and foreign managers, while welcome to participate, are not eligible for prizes.

Remember, it's like golf. Lower scores are better.

Last edited by wozzvt at 1/29/2010 4:24:35 PM

From: brian

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124970.2 in reply to 124970.1
Date: 12/24/2009 10:00:28 PM
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I'll add another 3 month supporter. Roughly two full seasons to the winner.

"Well, no ones gonna top that." -
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From: wozzvt

To: Coco
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124970.9 in reply to 124970.7
Date: 12/25/2009 2:44:38 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Please post predictions in the game thread, in this case the [NT] Paraguay thread, so I can keep track of which game they go with.

Also, with the matching offers, it looks like we may be able to do a couple prizes, maybe something like 1 year for 1st, 3mo for 2nd.

This Post:
124970.10 in reply to 124970.9
Date: 12/25/2009 6:37:15 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
I'll throw in a 3 monther as well.

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live
This Post:
124970.11 in reply to 124970.10
Date: 12/25/2009 7:05:49 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Up to a year's worth of supporter.

Can we make a news post to US users about this?

"Well, no ones gonna top that." -