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Training dilemma for center.

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From: picia

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271500.9 in reply to 271500.1
Date: 07/17/2015 07:35:08
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To be honest with you. If I were you I would fire those two guys immediately - there is no point in training a 19yo with total skills of 40. You can take a look at guys at my roster in utopia - this is how 19yo can look like at the age of 19 (and most of them were bought dirty cheap after the draft).

So hold your horses, read as much as you can about training before the draft and than try to buy some youngsters straight from the draft. You can get lucky and draft one hot prospect yourself.

From: dismiser

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271500.10 in reply to 271500.9
Date: 07/17/2015 08:02:04
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Ok, now i see.. So how many TSP be for a decent 18 y old , so it would be worth to train him?

From: picia

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271500.11 in reply to 271500.10
Date: 07/17/2015 08:13:39
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It is very much up to the distribution of the points. Normally I would look for players at around 50TSP (when the season begins - before the end of the season surely over 55/58, as they will be 19yo soon) - the more, the better.
But you will see when the draft madness will begin on the TL what players will be available for decent prices... The transfer list will tell you - just take some time three-five days after the draft.

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271500.12 in reply to 271500.10
Date: 07/17/2015 09:22:19
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As others said, search the transfer list after the draft, you'll find much better trainees for cheap.

But more importantly, you'll get better feeling about which players are worthy of training, and which are basically worthless..

From: outbreak

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271500.13 in reply to 271500.11
Date: 07/20/2015 19:22:38
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When you talk about TSP is that just all a players skills added together?

From: picia

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271500.14 in reply to 271500.13
Date: 07/21/2015 01:20:40
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Yes I was referring to Total Skill Points, but without stamina anf FT. You can call it SS10.

Last edited by picia at 07/21/2015 01:23:43