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Injuries should go to hell

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From: E.B.W.

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319263.8 in reply to 319263.6
Date: 05/21/2023 16:29:24
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Second Team:
There used to be 7 week injuries. 3 weeks is unlucky, but injuries have been reduced over time and there are so many opportunities to reduce the impact and likelihood of injuries in BB. I don't see how giving managers a more precise timeline is "painful" or "obnoxious".

If it's not a bug I'm quitting the game.

This is both childish and toxic. If that is how you deal with minor inconveniences in BB, I'm surprised you have already stuck around for 11 seasons already. I am hoping this was just a rage-filled instant reaction and not how you actually plan to proceed with your BB experience.

Last edited by E.B.W. at 05/21/2023 16:30:47

Bubbles BuzzerBeater Official YouTube Channel:(
From: Bernspin

This Post:
319263.9 in reply to 319263.8
Date: 05/21/2023 17:39:27
Franca Shoemakers Revival
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Mito só o da Caverna
There used to be 7 week injuries. 3 weeks is unlucky, but injuries have been reduced over time and there are so many opportunities to reduce the impact and likelihood of injuries in BB. I don't see how giving managers a more precise timeline is "painful" or "obnoxious".

If it's not a bug I'm quitting the game.

This is both childish and toxic. If that is how you deal with minor inconveniences in BB, I'm surprised you have already stuck around for 11 seasons already. I am hoping this was just a rage-filled instant reaction and not how you actually plan to proceed with your BB experience.

I have 30+ seasons of BB. I play intermitently since season 2. I played in Brazil National League for 10+ seasons, I won Brazil Cup and I was Brazil U21 coach. Ok, this was a long time ago, the time of the absurd 7 week injuries, but I guess it still counts as BB experience.

If you pay attention to what I wrote, I was reffering to injuries as painful and obnoxious, not to the new "more precise" feature of substituting "3 weeks" for "16 to 31 days". I said that the "more precise" new way of telling how long the injury would last added more outrage to what was already outrageous, since now instead of "3 weeks" it basically says "from 2.5 weeks to f***ing 4.5 weeks". Even if in the end the recovery time hasn't changed, the "hey, it's not for incompetence, it's not for lack of merit, you have just been randomly screwed because someone thought it was a good idea to screw managers" message has been amplified.

I don't consider injuries minor inconveniences. Injuries have potential to cause major disruptions. They can destroy entire seasons and ruin teams finances to the point of non-recovery.

Training facilities and doctors are extremely expensive, you pay millions to get minimal advantages. They have extremely low cost-effectiveness and only exist to suck money out of the economy. Like you pay 1 million plus weekly costs and then your player gets injured and instead of 25 days he gets 22 days out plus 2-3 weeks to recover the game shape. The deal of the century. If it's a key player and you had ambitions, your season is thrown in the garbage. Not because you did something but just for the sake of being screwed randomly. You need to really love this game to not quit after this happens.

I might have been childish and toxic but I really don't care. I love this game and consider it the best game I've ever played, but everytime I'll get a player who gets injured harshly like that I'll come here and complain.

From: E.B.W.

This Post:
319263.11 in reply to 319263.9
Date: 05/21/2023 18:16:00
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Second Team:
Injuries are a part of sports and this is a sports management game. Part of the complexities and challenges of BB are injuries and the ability to have depth/options to overcome them. Can they be season altering? Yes. I've had multiple playoff runs cut short/end because of an injury. Last season, one of my better U21 players was injured before the semi-finals. It happens.

If you wanted to have a productive conversation about injuries in BB, that's one thing. This forum thread titled "Injuries should go to hell" does not sound like it was created to solve issues/make suggestions based on factual arguments or even opinions, rather it was for you to rant and throw around curse words (which by the way is not allowed in the forums).

I'm in favor of keeping injuries because I think that while they are not "fair", they are one of the factors that allow BB to be more realistic to real life basketball and real life GM problems. BB has never had full season injuries/most of the season injuries and I think BB has also reduced injuries to a point where they are more manageable. Others may argue that they don't value realism as much and want game enjoyment (no injuries ever) to be prioritized, which I can also see an argument for, even if I don't agree.

Your player is currently listed as:
Injury! 15 - 29 days
Details: concussion

This means that he is likely to miss 4-7 games and likely closer to 4-5 games with your level 3 doctor. If one player missing 4-5 games at the very beginning of the season is enough to crush your entire season, then your team setup might not have been the best. Looking at your roster, my guess is this is more of an inconvenience than a season-crusher for you, but you are welcome to disagree.

Last edited by E.B.W. at 05/21/2023 18:17:51

Bubbles BuzzerBeater Official YouTube Channel:(
From: Bernspin

This Post:
319263.14 in reply to 319263.13
Date: 05/23/2023 17:59:54
Franca Shoemakers Revival
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Mito só o da Caverna

Can we add a torn ACL and out for a season? Maybe with some skill drops, as well.

I guess career ending injuries should be implemented for the sake of realism. You spend a lot of money to draft that magical 18yo hall of famer, train him for 7-8 seasons sacrificing your team, which is still stuck on division III, then when your guy is ready and is finally called by the national coach he gets an achiles tendon rupture and his career is over. It happens in real life, why not happen here too? That would add so much depth and realism to this game...

From: Vegas
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319263.15 in reply to 319263.14
Date: 05/24/2023 08:08:46
Team 77784
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What I find hilarious is last week I hire a 6 level doctor with speciality, and yesterday I got injured my PF (and almost lost the match) withouth returning to the game for 16-32 days.

Yes, it is bad luck. Always has been.

From: Rasho
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319263.16 in reply to 319263.15
Date: 05/24/2023 09:07:01
Prva Liga BiH
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In the last season's league final the best player of my team got injured in the second quarter of the first game at home while I was leading and at the end I lost easily the game. For me it was not a problem because things like that are happening but bigger problem in my opinion was that another starter got exhausted in the last quarter because of 1 minute overplaying and exhaustion is very very very big drop in the last quarter. I was leading at the end of the 3rd and lost by 18 at the end. I really can't believe that GE can't adapt when injury happens and make little bit more(not planned before the game) substitutions if we have enough players on the bench, and I had 3 more players on the bench. I don't want exhaustion to happen if injury occur my player if I have enough players on the bench...

You follow the game, your hands are tied, you can't do anything, and if you had a 1% chance , you wouldn't let it happen.

Exhaustion is good thing in this game but effects of exhaustion are too big and not logic very often. In big games it should be little bit different than in regular games... We saw Lebron at the age of 38 playing 48 minutes 2 days ago against Denver and played really good and hard defence. Jokić played 45. Here in the last quarter they would look like playing in wheelchair..

This Post:
319263.18 in reply to 319263.17
Date: 05/24/2023 17:05:30
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
IMB Team
About injuries, I think that it has to be more frequent, shorter (from 2 to 10 days for example) and maybe include a new type of injuries, that you can use your injuried player but his habilities would be reduced for a period of time

Brain storming!

Cuatro ojos tiene el puente