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Selling draftee for max profit

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From: Louuis
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Date: 05/19/2024 03:13:01
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There's high chance I'll get 5/5 player from upcoming draft which I would like to sell instead of training and my question is: How to maximize the profit out of him? Immediately put him on TL or wait few days till there will be less draftees on TL? Put him for 1$ so more players would bid and be interested or stick to higher price depending on his potential (this could be tricky for me as I totally dont know how much could I get from such players)?

From: E.B.W.

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323615.2 in reply to 323615.1
Date: 05/19/2024 04:59:06
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Second Team:
Usually people are willing to pay more for players in general (draftees and higher salaried experienced players) at the beginning of the season. For maximum value, I would list right away as that’s when the most users in BB will still have their funds from promotion. I think listing for $1 is fine as you’ll get a lot of traction and auto-bid allows you to get full value of whatever the market seems fair.

If you wait, a lot of teams will have used their funds on others players, so even if there are less draftees on the transfer list at the same time as yours, your pool of managers looking for draftees is also reduced. Just like in real life, managers are typically willing to pay more to get the instant gratification and to not have to worry about that draftee missing out on training for a week or two.

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From: gockun

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323615.3 in reply to 323615.1
Date: 05/19/2024 04:59:07
sheert devils
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sheert devils II
You can't know or guess what would happen in transfer market so there is no optimal way.

From: boule

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323615.4 in reply to 323615.1
Date: 05/19/2024 05:36:05
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Les Boulettes Utopiennes
I would let him play thursday night scrimmage . If it does not make a lot of foul, to my eyes it is worth more than one fouling. It is of course a bet on the player capacity to foul or not.

It is definitely something that makes me buy or avoid a player. Without knowing often i pass. The scrimmage is the only way the buyer will know if its a fouler or not.

Since PU games were introduced in the game, i do a pick up game with my draftees before even starting to train them.

Last edited by boule at 05/20/2024 12:09:41

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323615.5 in reply to 323615.1
Date: 05/19/2024 05:37:46
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Little Computer People
It is seasons ago having really big issues during the off-season with server downs etc., so listing a player for 1 Bb$ is a high-roller and very risky.

founded in S3 IV.5 (34234) - returned in S28 IV.7 (34515)
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323615.8 in reply to 323615.6
Date: 05/20/2024 05:57:22
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Les Boulettes Utopiennes
I would kindly disagree. I do not keep a player that has a fouling problem.

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323615.10 in reply to 323615.8
Date: 05/21/2024 04:56:14
Woodbridge Wreckers
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At the same time, playing him before selling makes you risk that IF he's foul prone, buyers will know it. This downside is possibly much larger than the downside of buyers not buying because there is no info.

And as said, combined with the option for the buyer to play the player in their preferred position and also being early to list are more reasons to list early instead of after the scrimmage.