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Returning User/Newbie Seeking Help for Challenging Scenario

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Date: 05/06/2020 15:38:15
Kingston Frontenacs
Overall Posts Rated:
Hey all,

I am returning to BB after several years and am looking to develop a much better understanding of the details of the game than I had previously. I'm starting this thread to (1) try and build a chain of advice for newer users regarding the more technical aspects of building a successful BB team with the understanding that this game is one heck of a marathon and I am also looking for (2) some advice/guidance regarding my current situation.

1. I have been doing some heavy forum reading these past few days in search of better understanding and, although some threads have helped, most have a lot of noise. At the moment, I am particularly in the market for advice on economy management strategies, arena building, team building, and training strategies/training and avoiding cratering team finance/attendance strategies. Some guiding questions for these topics might fall under the lines of:

How can I best manage my economy to avoid debt/losing will to play the game?
What strategies can I take to maximize profit/build a healthy economy?
How should I build my arena/how fast?
How can I put together a team that is salary efficient and enables me to train and compete at a non-Div V level?
What are some insider tips for training and maximizing the elastic effect?
How can I best train well-rounded players either for competition or profit?
How can I balance development and attendance numbers to maintain a healthy economy?

2. With regard to my second reason for this thread, my situation is this: I am a new user who ended up being put into Div II in Canada right off the bat and right at the end of this season. Although I would love any advice on how to stay up in Div II or III, I'm assuming that at least one or two demotions in quick succession are on the horizon for me. To this end, I'm looking for advice on how to best manage this situation so that I don't end up with no money and no motivation to keep playing.

I'm perfectly willing to accept my demotions as long as I can put a plan in place that will keep things moving forward in terms of building a healthy economy/team. My gut and readings of forum guides tells me that I should focus on arena development and training to fill the time and produce some players for either competition or profit. I would love any advice that someone might have to that end or otherwise. I have a couple of 18 yr olds, at PG and C with 6 and 7 pot respectively, who could form initial trainees and will likely pick 2nd in my draft this year to help fill out a 3 or so trainee roster. Is there any better way I could go about doing this? Any thoughts on how I might better manage this situation?

Any help or suggestion is valuable as its always good to build a wide base of knowledge and opinion on the vast quantity of details that we have the opportunity to manage here in BB. Looking forward to hearing what you all have to say and learning from you! Best of luck at the end of this season and forwards into the half century mark here for BB!

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304290.2 in reply to 304290.1
Date: 05/07/2020 14:38:38
Overall Posts Rated:
Hey there friend! While I do not currently have time to answer all of these questions, many of the questions that you asked can be answered in a video that I made not too long ago. I’d encourage you to check it out as it has a lot of useful information for new managers/new teams. While everything that you asked is not covered in it, I’d say well over half of your questions will be answered. I’ll try to come back to this after I am off of work and give you some more pointers.

For now here is the video geared towards helping new managers and teams:


Murray/Harris/MPJ/Grant/Jokic - 2020 NBA Champs
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304290.3 in reply to 304290.2
Date: 05/07/2020 15:47:22
Kingston Frontenacs
Overall Posts Rated:
Hey man! Loved the videos and the channel! I discovered you just the other day and am already looking forward to your next vid! Thanks for the help, in the vid and in the future if you're able!

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304290.5 in reply to 304290.4
Date: 05/14/2020 13:42:53
Kingston Frontenacs
Overall Posts Rated:

Thanks for the reply and the tips! Building to Div II standards is not something that had crossed my mind, simple as it might seem to you, so thanks for that super valuable suggestion! I appreciate the offer for further help and I might just take you up on it after I've explored a little more and can come back to you with some more specific questions!
