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From: valtsu
This Post:
Date: 07/03/2017 01:43:18
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Why my team's player salaries calculated by player salaries floor 103000$ even though my salaries are 48000$ combined. This has never happened before.

Last edited by valtsu at 07/03/2017 01:43:48

This Post:
288331.2 in reply to 288331.1
Date: 07/03/2017 02:36:49
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Probably you use BuzzerBeater for those 24 weeks already. After 24 weeks you must have to start pay salary floor.

This Post:
288331.3 in reply to 288331.2
Date: 07/03/2017 04:56:17
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Then what's the point of having 500$ week salary players in team?

This Post:
288331.4 in reply to 288331.3
Date: 07/03/2017 05:09:48
Spartan 300
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Second Team:
Spartan Kids
Time to play like all other people in this game dude.

The salary floor is here so people will tank less and be more competitive, so you can start play a little bit "harder" too, buy some players with batter skills and higher salary because you will anyway pay the salary floor.


This is where we hold them!
This Post:
288331.5 in reply to 288331.3
Date: 07/03/2017 08:57:37
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24 weeks were given to you to build arena, to save the money for better players till these 24 weeks would end.
Now you got some experience and you need to start moving forwards - buying better players/build arena to be competetive in your league.
Better results in league games = more people will come to your games = more money.

Maybe buy lvl 4,5 coach with small salary and start to train some youngsters.

This Post:
288331.6 in reply to 288331.5
Date: 07/03/2017 09:34:57
Overall Posts Rated:
Not really answering to my question but I already have a best level coach but I can see your point.

This Post:
288331.7 in reply to 288331.6
Date: 07/03/2017 09:54:29
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Then what's the point of having 500$ week salary players in team?

If you want an answer to this question, than there is no point anymore to keep those players in team.

From: reps

This Post:
288331.8 in reply to 288331.6
Date: 07/10/2017 02:55:11
BC LionSnake
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Not really answering to my question but I already have a best level coach but I can see your point.

you need 500$ players for scrimmages, so you dont overplay your starters but still can get training minutes/train your rookies

Last edited by reps at 07/10/2017 02:56:59

I`m the nicest person you will know:)