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Interface (Flash?) Issue

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From: NBird33
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Date: 06/08/2015 06:20:30
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Hi all,

Just having an issue with my firefox opening some tabs. an add on for bb-training also doesn't seem to pop up in the training screen.

Once a game has started if I hit "View Tactics" or whatever to see oppositions game plan that button won't work. Another example is the Injury list on the league standings page. Where there's an arrow pointing down to view more injured players, I get no response from that arrow.

In answer to the add-on query, I've switched American English on my macbook.

Hopefully someone is able to shed some light on this for me!

From: NBird33

This Post:
270892.2 in reply to 270892.1
Date: 06/11/2015 06:12:18
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Anyone? Please!

From: NBird33

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270892.4 in reply to 270892.3
Date: 06/12/2015 05:35:45
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Thanks for your thoughts mate.

It's odd, I used firefox on my previous Mac with no issue, however on this one no luck.

As I say the issue is primarily BB interface but also I'm unable to effectively use Greasemonkey add on.

Ill give it a go and see how I get on.

From: aaeeoo2

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270892.5 in reply to 270892.4
Date: 06/12/2015 17:54:10
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I've had the same issue today after updating Flash-player and it was on other sites too like youtube etc.

I just reinstalled flashplayer and now the problem's gone.

This Post:
270892.6 in reply to 270892.1
Date: 06/13/2015 07:07:42
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bbtraining? I thought that project is dead? I haven't sent training in a long time..

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270892.7 in reply to 270892.6
Date: 06/14/2015 00:21:05
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As far as I can see it still works and logs my training levels.

Is there a similar add on you could recommend?