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Suggestions > A new tournament for African countries?

A new tournament for African countries?

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255543.3 in reply to 255543.2
Date: 03/07/2014 02:56:03
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Then there would only one cup winner which means also less B3-participant from Africa. Less cup reward money, less B3 reward money so African communities would lose lots of money that leads to disadvantage against other continents' teams.

Well not a real problem. Sometimes African countries have only one representative in the BBB as the winner of the national championship and tournament is the same team. Then a BBB victory offers only $ 20,000. The fact that this new tournament continues until the end of the season will eventually allow the best teams to earn more money. By the way the idea is not about money, but to give a more competitive tournament to African managers.

From: Phoenix

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255543.4 in reply to 255543.1
Date: 03/07/2014 03:09:39
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Seems to be a good idea if BBs don't want to merge african countries altogether.

Le forum francophone dƩdiƩ Ơ Buzzerbeater : ( Vous y trouverez conseils et partage
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255543.5 in reply to 255543.3
Date: 03/07/2014 03:20:12
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Well, stronger teams getting more money because of the longer cup series and weaker teams getting less, because of getting ejected earlier sounds like a problem.
Anyway I don't really care what happens there and you certainly know the situation better, I just wanted to point out a possible disadvantage.

Don't feed the troll
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255543.8 in reply to 255543.6
Date: 03/07/2014 05:47:00
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This way, it sounds way better

Don't feed the troll
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255543.9 in reply to 255543.8
Date: 03/07/2014 06:16:49
DK Shaolins
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Since we won't have second teams in our leagues, this African Cup sounds like a good idea to me

For the BBB's tickets, few options are possible. I like the one from JoeMaverick. Otherwise, so nobody would lose anything and managers from other continents would be happy as well, i would create Continental Cups. Those competitions would take place monday, friday or sunday. One ticket for each winner.

Last thing, i agree with Perpete and would even go farther. B3 last winner must be qualified for the next edition but not the previous winners. It makes no sense. If i tank few seasons, build a crazy team with the amount of money i would have saved and win the B3, i'll play the B3 all my life ?

From: Shiffd

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255543.10 in reply to 255543.1
Date: 03/08/2014 21:06:31
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If one African nation has 80 users or so, and a competitive DI and we say your team is here, team A
Another African nation has 8 users, and only 1 really active and dominate...and this is team B...

Team B can train all the time, 48 minutes out of position, because he never faces tough opponents regular season
Team B can stay in his DI, stay at the top, and still TIE every game
Team B can save his best players for his cup game when he plays team A

Team A has a harder time training because he is in competitive league and can not find a free game to play his trainees out of position. He gets maybe 1 young/out of position trainee if he is lucky. Team B can train all 3 games most weeks young/out of position.... Team A always falls behind.

Team A must forfeit league games, TIEing, playing scrubs, to save up players the week he drew team B in the cup.

We can'T mix cups of nations of such radically different sizes.

This is another reason that micros get a lot of gripe in the b3. Guys who fought up five or 6 divisions over 12 seasons or more hate playing an upstart from a micro who has only been playing 5 or 6 seasons....and if the micro-baller plays his cards right he can train super players, TIE all season and just be unstoppable.

From: Ebene5

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255543.11 in reply to 255543.10
Date: 03/09/2014 14:02:04
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African communities are almost equal in number of managers (between 5 and 15). Then merging national tournaments in a single continental tournament would not give an advantage to any manager ;)

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255543.12 in reply to 255543.1
Date: 03/09/2014 17:56:06
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Second Team:
I like it as it addresses a well known problem. The BBB tickets would be secured by championship, and the financial impact is risible due to weekly incomes from I series. Definitely a good idea that I embrace and support.

From: Kevol

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255543.13 in reply to 255543.11
Date: 03/11/2014 09:03:52
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This is a good idea with continental cup instead national cup, but not only for african teams, also for american, european and asian nations, where the number of users at the end of the season is for example under 16 (which means they havenĀ“t enough managers to fill their first league for the next season).

11 countries are in America under the 16 managers ... 92 clubs for american cup
7 countries in Africa ... 56 clubs for african cup
6 countries in Europe ... 58 clubs for european cup
9 countries in Asia ... 83 clubs for asian cup
I think it will be raised the competitiveness for some managers.

Other countries with 16 and more managers will be still played their national cups.
