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3rd Quarter struggles

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From: Marvel
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Date: 06/22/2018 17:56:58
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Some of my losses this season for my Utopia team have been close games. My defense is a work in progress, but offensively we've been doing well. But it seems we fizzle a bit in the 3rd quarter. I'm not sure how to link the games in the message, but I'll provide the dates for anyone who can help:

6/19 against the #1 team in our conference

6/9 against Ambientals B.C.

5/5 against the Fighters

Could it be a stamina issue? Poor defense? A combo of the two?

Please and thank you

From: Apex

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294451.2 in reply to 294451.1
Date: 06/22/2018 19:57:13
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Random quarter issues in BB could be a number of things. The game is based off RNG so theres a chance you just hit a stroke of bad luck in those quarters.

To my knowledge, the only quarter by quarter determinant is stamina and usually starts having an impact in the 2nd half if you play guys for long minutes, however it will get worse in the 4th too. I've seen many first quarters go great this season and then my team fall apart the rest of the game.

95% of the answers to questions pertaining to runs in games are just RNG screwing you...

2x NBBA Champion: S55, S56. 3x USA Cup Champion: S54, S55, S56. WR for longest home streak ever at 11 in Season 47.