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Rebounds for defending team during FT

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265206.2 in reply to 265206.1
Date: 11/28/2014 15:16:08
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My belief was that free throws were always lineup up M2M. C vs C, PF vs PF, FT shooter vs Whoever is his positioned opponent. This was just my belief though and there is no evidence to back this up obviously. I suppose I (along with many other people) haven't really thought much into it. Good question.

Murray/Harris/MPJ/Grant/Jokic - 2020 NBA Champs
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265206.3 in reply to 265206.1
Date: 11/28/2014 23:31:03
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I think your paitent offense is awesome. As far as those defenses and ft hard to say. A lot of factor buts little to no data beyond personal.