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Home Court vs Attitude/Enthusiasm

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Date: 04/23/2014 07:02:40
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I always kind of thought that assuming the same enthusiasm, a team with home court and TIE would be playing at the same, or similar, level to an away team playing normal. But the more I play BB, the more I think there is a much bigger advantage to being away and normal than being home and take it easy. Anybody know more about this, or have thoughts on this?

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258191.2 in reply to 258191.1
Date: 04/23/2014 18:25:44
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HCA gives you a small push but enthusiasm can be the difference of a game.

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258191.3 in reply to 258191.1
Date: 04/23/2014 19:26:00
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Yep, the enthusiasm is more important than the HCA. You can see it at the first match of the season, when all the teams have the same shape and enthusiasm. If we consider 2 teams with a similar level and the team with HCA plays TIE and the other plays normal, I assume the team which plays normal will win in 80% of case.

(But I haven't done any survey, that's just my opinion, based on my experience in this game.)

PS: sorry for my mistake(s), if i did.

From: jeffjeff

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258191.4 in reply to 258191.3
Date: 04/25/2014 11:18:36
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This is assuming 2 equal teams though.

What wasn't mentioned was the enthusiasm to begin with. Loosely speaking people say tie 8 is roughly the same as normal 5 so at that point it comes to hca and roster skills.

Overall hca just gives a small push.enthusiasm makes a bigger difference such as tie 12 is probably gonna beat normal 54 assuming equal teams and the normal has hca