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From: sailor_man

To: vdog
This Post:
280237.8 in reply to 280237.1
Date: 06/19/2016 01:50:20
UJAP Kemper 29
Overall Posts Rated:
BM always says the truth O:)

In this case, It's the BuzzerBeater API which give skills values so you can trust them ;)

From: vdog

This Post:
280237.9 in reply to 280237.8
Date: 06/20/2016 17:10:01
Overall Posts Rated:
Our you the one who created buzzer manager?

From: sailor_man

To: vdog
This Post:
280237.11 in reply to 280237.9
Date: 06/21/2016 08:18:11
UJAP Kemper 29
Overall Posts Rated:
I am :)

This Post:
280237.12 in reply to 280237.10
Date: 06/23/2016 04:51:55
Overall Posts Rated:
For some reason BB still fails to count skills past 20. Its neither displayed on the skill itself if you chose a language that adds a number nor is the skill sum correct (skills past 20 are just omitted, so a player with e.g. 4 IS, 22 ID 22 rebound and 22 SB will be incorrectly displayed as having 64 inside skills instead of the correct 70 and total TSP will be too low by 6)

Maybe a BB should look into it ;)

Buzzer Manager however, is very much able to count proving that it should be possible for BB too :p

From: Robard

This Post:
280237.14 in reply to 280237.13
Date: 06/23/2016 05:33:20
Overall Posts Rated:
Possibly, but i dont see a reason why they should count wrong.
A player with this skillset
5 5
5 5
5 5
5 5
35 5
Would be shown as TSP 65 (30+35) while in reality he is TSP 80 (30+50) just as an extreme example.

Now this is misleading at best and a lie at worst because if you purchase this player at the end of the saison you have no idea what his real reboundskill is as he could have got several ups which also will severely impact the salary he will get next saison.

So either drop TSP count or do it right please.

From: Robard

This Post:
280237.16 in reply to 280237.15
Date: 06/23/2016 06:20:33
Overall Posts Rated:
Probably more than you think ;)
The problem was reported shortly after they introduced TSP count several saisons ago and nothing happened ever since.

From: Robard

This Post:
280237.17 in reply to 280237.16
Date: 06/23/2016 06:56:52
Overall Posts Rated:
There are 14 players with JS 20 on the TL right now and i am willing to bet at least one of them has 21 or more as JS is probably the most common skill to go over 20. I also know that the German NT had players with 21 in JS and Reb.
