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Malaysia - I.1 > S29: where RON 95 and RON 97 are the trending twitter hashtags

S29: where RON 95 and RON 97 are the trending twitter hashtags

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From: weed

To: weed
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264070.32 in reply to 264070.31
Date: 01/18/2015 11:28:17
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By the way... what is the amount of TV contract money for MBBA... i have to estimate my weekly expense next season

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264070.33 in reply to 264070.32
Date: 01/18/2015 13:18:47
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Second Team:
Tak Cuba Tak Tahu
Welcome in MBBA! The first season can be a bit difficult but I know Chen Guangjie will do well. The TV contact depends on the whole division salaries, this season it was $208,985 while the player salaries floor was $376,173. Keep in mind that the gate receipts should increase and you will have a promotion bonus.

You, and others recently promoted teams, might be interested to get a former NT player: Weng Xiaobin (18294902), he is a bit old and has a high salary but his salary should decrease and he is still a very decent MBBA starter PG.

From: KwaiWah

To: weed
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264070.34 in reply to 264070.33
Date: 01/18/2015 19:34:50
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Good tip by Nicolas. Yes, your arena income will experience a sharp spike for the first half of the season due to your promotion. You can potentially get $600k so do check your ticket price.
That said, your arena needs expansion. You should aim to have 20,500 seats to maximise income.