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HOF with 42 TSP at 18yrs

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273279.16 in reply to 273279.15
Date: 09/16/2015 10:29:57
Jokehim Maniacs
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Jokehim Maniacs II
One explanation for a rather slow progress is that I have trained pretty much stamina and free throw. A bad side effect from playing in highest division and trying to train players at the same time. Might have spent as much as a season in total on team training (one or two weeks of game shape at most during the period). Of your points the only one that partly applies is the first. He has had quite little injury problems, he had 2500 or so in starting salary so quite close to a top draft and I have had a level 6 trainer since long before I started training him.

Maybe the effect from training two position training can be slightly more negative than I hoped.

Anyway, the main thing I wanted to bring up was that it must be very common that players with a high potential is useless to train because they will start train slowly far before they reach their potential. After 25 training goes really slow so even for your player it is a questionmark if really a higher potential than Superstar is worth training.

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273279.17 in reply to 273279.16
Date: 09/16/2015 10:37:47
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No. If you spent an entire seasons worth of time on team training then you've stolen a good 10 pops from him and that's why he hasn't come close to capping yet

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273279.18 in reply to 273279.17
Date: 09/16/2015 10:50:06
Jokehim Maniacs
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Jokehim Maniacs II
I do not agree that I have stolen that many pops because these skills are also essential. Quite many seems to ignore to train these skills which why it is so common to see players with really nice skills that is pretty useless at the moment because they lose a lot of capacity from refusing to train team training.

In principle you are correct though. Team training probably lose less in efficiency at older age than other skills and could therefore be put on priority later on if you want to have an optimally trained player. You do not lose 10 skills in efficiency from team training though. I suspect at most 4-5 skills lost if delaying team training, probably much fewer, a little higher estimate as they drop these skills faster when they are on a high level.

But the only point I wanted to make was that team training should not be ignored until the player reaches his cap and not to argue about it

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273279.19 in reply to 273279.18
Date: 09/16/2015 11:01:54
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Yeah I agree that FT and ST are important skills. But they actually NEVER decrease in efficiency. A 40yo will train FT just as fast as an 18yo will. In addition Team Training is not affected by Trainer level.

I still stick to my original number that you lose an entire seasons worth of total pops when all is said and done. But one may argue that those team skills are worth it, and they very well may be. I think Stamina is the most undertrained skill in he game behind maybe JR

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273279.20 in reply to 273279.19
Date: 09/17/2015 19:34:06
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FT and ST train just fine for older guys. Therefore it would make sense to train them when the rest of the options have become very slow or when the player is capped.

Stamina has diminishing returns. Even if you think high stamina still gives an improvement in efficiency for a player, you need to consider how much more difficult it becomes to manage GS on a high stamina player. When you realise it's hard to manage minutes on a high stamina player and also determine what is the optimal minute range, you will not care at all about that small improvement in performance, I promise.