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Arena vs team improvement

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Date: 04/10/2018 05:15:27
New Vegas Aces
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So i just finished my first season and will be going up to div 2 canada. At this point i probably have a roster that would be around .500 next season with a couple small additions, which im ok with as long as im not relegated. On the other hand, my arena is still pretty small after 1 season. Next week it'll be just under 8000 (6800/900/275/10), which was my goal before i promoted. I want to try to get to 10k soon, and slowly build up after that.

With 750k now coming in and higher revenues from the new division, I'd like some advice on how i should allocate my funds next season. Should i prioritize arena upgrades, and how high should i aim for before focusing on improving the team? The only other guy i know in div 2 who went up like me has around 10k right now, after his first season in div2 and 2nd season overall. Right now I'm leaning towards putting about 75% into arena and 25% for the team. Does that sound reasonable? I'll probably be the lowest arena team in my division.

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293060.2 in reply to 293060.1
Date: 04/10/2018 10:15:55
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My thoughts are that ideally you want to be turning a weekly profit that's fairly substantial, and then that's the type of money you'd want to use to improve the arena. I don't think dumping lump sum payouts into it are necessarily a bad thing, of course, but I'd rather either look to make improvements if you think those are needed or park the cash for a little while until you know whether you need improvements or not.

Now that the relegation series start with 5th instead of fourth, my traditional goal of aiming for 5th or higher isn't quite as effective, either. Basically, when you move up, you want to try to ensure that you can at least remain in the league and be profitable at first, and then start progressing until being able to move up another level.

Of course, that's all general stuff. If you know you're demoting, and there's nothing you can do about it, there'd be little point in investing in veterans for this season unless they're guys you can afford to keep after demotion and who can help you win next season and when you return.

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293060.3 in reply to 293060.2
Date: 04/10/2018 23:04:44
New Vegas Aces
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generally speaking, id like to be a budget team for as long as i have the salary floor exemption at the end of next season. I think my team is good enough depth/balance wise that a couple more pieces will make me a pretty competitive non-playoff or fringe team. With the salary cap/tv increase alone ill probably be able to afford those pieces, so i would ideally like to hang around div 2 for a season before i really revamp my team. I think, theoretically speaking, i probably have until next season end to get my arena to div 2 shape since the salary cap will matter by then. I guess my main goal next season will just be to find excellent value players and pour the rest of the money into arena.

So ill probably have 10k attendance starting next season, and ive heard the sweetspot is around 18k. 15k seems like a reasonable target. attendance revenue might be more difficult with a .500 record, so theres that too i guess.