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Fan survey

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From: Dobo3
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Date: 04/04/2018 04:37:32
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Hello BB world! So yesterday I won my first finals game. Before the game my fan survey showed 4,5 points. Today after winning and not buying or selling any player I get 4. I mean it's only 0,5. But this does not make any sense to me. Does anybody know what could be behind this nonsense?

Last edited by Dobo3 at 04/04/2018 11:01:03

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292961.2 in reply to 292961.1
Date: 04/04/2018 05:19:10
Dynamo J. Hradec
První liga
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The results are based on a small sample of fans, and may not accurately represent the feelings of all of your team's supporters.

That statement is right above your fan survey results.