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Question passing training

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From: Otis
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Date: 01/28/2015 03:15:18
The Defenders
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The D-fenders
Hello guys, i'd like your input on a training issue.

to my knowledge Driving and Jump Shot are trained without penalty due to height. so in JS training a 7 footer is trained as quickly, all things considered, as a 6 footer.

Passing, the same as JR and OD is dependent, among others, upon the height of the player. meaning, if a player is taller(above 7 feet) he will train slower than s short guy.

i was checking coach parrot and i realized that in his formula, if i train a big guy at passing he sees no penalty due to his hight, so i was wondering if this is an error or not.

put differently, is passing training dependent or indepedent of the height of the trainee?

thank you

This Post:
267314.2 in reply to 267314.1
Date: 01/28/2015 09:53:47
Woodbridge Wreckers
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Slower Passing training on tall players would fit in the prevailing theory of BB, but data has showed that tall players train as fast in passing as short players. Wether that is caused by independence of height and training speed for Passing or wether the elastic effect is usally bigger for Passing on bigs I can't tell you. I'm not sure wether that data is corrected for elastic effect or not.

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267314.3 in reply to 267314.2
Date: 01/28/2015 14:52:00
The Defenders
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The D-fenders
you listed 3 causes for why passing would train as fast for bigs.
1)independence of height
2)training speed for Passing
3)wether the elastic effect
regarding point 2 i think that if it is independent of height, training speed will be the same regardless of height. so option 2 is mor of a cause for option 1.

the interesting point is regarding elastic efect. it is true that if a big has main skills fullt developed we might see an exagerated elastic effect towards passing.

i am curios to hear the opinion of one has trained passing on big men. if not, thank you for your point, the elastic effect seems to be good enough.

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267314.4 in reply to 267314.3
Date: 01/28/2015 22:01:00
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Is Elastic Effect Vice Versa?

Let us assume that the #3 is the right reason.

So it means having a high PA will also have an Effect in training big men skills?

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267314.5 in reply to 267314.4
Date: 01/29/2015 03:49:25
white snake
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Black Forest Boars
If you train PA and your big has PA 1 and HA 7, there is a huge elastic effect. A lot of small players start with PA=HA and they cannot benefit from it. So their training speed is slower.
As far as I know, the elastic effect works between connected skills (SB and ID, IS and ID, HA and PA etc). I cannot say that guard skills influence big skills. But pay attention, DR has a kind of special standing here.

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267314.6 in reply to 267314.5
Date: 01/29/2015 06:05:05
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267314.7 in reply to 267314.3
Date: 01/29/2015 06:38:40
Woodbridge Wreckers
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Yeah I meant to point out points 1 and 3 as possible causes that influence point 2, training speed of passing. As far as I believe is been proven is that the elastic effect only works between a couple of skills, and there hasn't been shown a correlation between big men skills and passing for the elastic effect. Handling has proven to have an elastic effect on Passing, and I can imagine that there are plenty of bigs with low initial passing and higher handling (because of starting skills or 1v1 training that can be done for PF's). Those bigs will benefit from the elastic effect, and thus will train faster in passing.

The elastic effect works both way in regards to speeding up or slowing down, so if a player has 7 Passing and 1 Handling, his passing will train slower because it's kept down by low handling.

The elastic effect doesn't work both ways in regards to passing having an effect on training handling, at least it's not proven yet. Rhyminsimon created the Training Simulator (229484.1), and in the last worksheet of the Simulator he put the elastic effect and which skills affect what skills and in what way. There you can check out the known correlations of the elastic effect.

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267314.8 in reply to 267314.7
Date: 01/29/2015 07:28:16
The Defenders
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Second Team:
The D-fenders
Thank you for sharing your opinion.
i am aware of how to train but i never considered elatic effect of main skills of big man on a permitere skjills of a big man.
i have young guy in my sights with high interior skills but nothinig, nothing, damn it, on the outside, passing od driving, nada. and i want to know if there is any hope for him. i think i should start off with driving and then use elastic effect for passing.

i will look into it more. the fact that elastic effect might work in pairs of skills is smthing new.

best regards.

From: philoumiha

To: Otis
This Post:
267314.9 in reply to 267314.8
Date: 01/29/2015 07:56:00
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Skills are connected and that's why you can play with elastic effect. For example in the case of PA, as PA training also trains DR and HA, higher DR and HA will be, faster PA skill will pop. And that works for every skill and training.

Elastic effect can also be negative.

And I confirm that PA training is not related with height (hum, well, a little bit, but that's very marginal)