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Why not 48 minutes?

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Date: 8/20/2014 5:56:59 AM
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Hi, in my yesterday's match I set up just 5 players, each on his position and on all the three boxes, because I knew that I am most certainly gonna win 50-0, as the opponent never set a lineup yet. I hoped I'm gonna get 48 minutes for the 5 players I put into the lineup. However they all got only 43 minutes each. Why? Why am I punished even though I did everything right?

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262237.2 in reply to 262237.1
Date: 8/20/2014 6:14:53 AM
Woodbridge Wreckers
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This should be in the Help forum but I'll answer your question anyway. It's because it's a walkover, so you aren't awarded 48 training minutes for free. This is to prevent walkovers in scrimmages to help eachother get 48 training minutes, because otherwise the trainee could foul out or get injured. There's nothing you can do in that situation to get 48 minutes.

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262237.3 in reply to 262237.2
Date: 8/20/2014 6:23:22 AM
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Okay, thanks I get it. No wonder they keep losing users when they focus on these tiny things while the game itself is stuck where it used to be 5-7 years ago.

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262237.4 in reply to 262237.3
Date: 8/20/2014 12:08:00 PM
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They're currently testing an empty lineup prevention code in private league games. If all goes properly, it could be released to the rest of the game as soon as next season, possibly, from what I've read.