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Cash vs backup

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Date: 08/07/2014 07:49:45
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Hey guys,
I'm at a stalemate with pros and cons in the issue of selling my 8k backup and playing a 3k backup as to vise versa,
My current situation being I'm most likely going to be in div 3 for another 4 seasons.
On the argument of sellin my 8k backup
I make extra cash over the period of the 4 season length, putting into arena theoretically therefore giving me a higher salary and being able to buy another backup of his kind in the season I'm hoping to promote. (This 8k backup I bought as a 23yo with 63k)
I lose more games without the backup depth (will have a decent PF coming in very soon) and therefore have lower attendance
Also the 19 3k PF is not going to be part of my aspirations to promote therefore he will eventually go and the changing of my players over 4 season will result in a minimal merchandise
change, because he is clearly not a staple player.

In general it's keep the 8k or the 3k in my div 3 development years.
P.s sorry for any typos, was written on my phone and in a hurry because I have 8% battery as I write

Last edited by Kingguley at 08/07/2014 17:48:31

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261963.2 in reply to 261963.1
Date: 08/07/2014 18:00:27
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There is no right answer here. This is a tough decision that makes buzzerbeater so fun. It's a tough call to make, just go with what you think will help you in the long run.

"Fans never fall asleep at our games, because they're afraid they might get hit by a pass." George Raveling
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261963.3 in reply to 261963.1
Date: 08/08/2014 04:31:04
Woodbridge Wreckers
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There is no right answer indeed, but unless you're not making enough money weekly I'd keep the 8k player. He's good to have because he's better than players from a bot team who you might face in cup games.

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261963.4 in reply to 261963.1
Date: 08/08/2014 05:35:03
Overall Posts Rated:
Hi, I would keep the 8k guy. He will support your team better LT and won't lose on skills in a long time, even if you don't train him. In four seasons you'll save about 3*4*14=168k, but you'll lose -8*4*14=-448k. So the sum will be -280k. This again will be about an arena upgrade of 1 week's time (depends on the level of seats). In 4 seasons that money and time is peanuts in 3rd division. And that 3k guy has lowish pot limit, so might not be worth training either..