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Globo Gym Franchise Created!

01/06/2022  0 replies    

Press Announcements

Globo Gym prepares for fierce D3 battles

The Purple Cobra's returned to the practice court after their 1 night stay at Disney World, with the whole team excited to start their journey in Division III.12. Finals Game 2 hero Joe "Mama" Ceder had this to say after practice: "Wir haben die Teams der Division 4 kaum geschlagen, wir brauchen bitte ein paar Upgrades!". General Manager Nikebones is known to be a cheap spender and has refused to comment on if he will bring in some high salary players to help the team fight for a Division 2 spot. Luckily the Cobra's were drawn into the Great 8, where the level of competition is a bit weaker than the Big 8. With so many questions looming over the team, one thing is for certain; Here at Globo Gym, we're better than you, and we know it.

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