Hey, I have nothing against you, but I don't believe what you're implying here is true.
To blame the NT's failures on the same core group of guys isn't fair. These guys are involved with gameplanning, rosters, scouting, and are dedicated to the teams success. What khenry did extremely well was bring a council of great managers into one accord and they won together, and lost together. They were dedicated, faithful, and loyal -- and did a great damn job in my opinion. On their own accord.
If you get elected, you'll need that same support.
I don't think this is the way to get it.
Just one manager's opinion who has no stake in the game, but I do appreciate all the staff that dedicated their time to the NT. I never once got the impression that only some were welcome. I think it's more of a question of what you have to bring to the table.
Good luck in your endeavor and I hope you realize that you'll need that same core around you to be successful if you should get elected.
I've seen how these people interact, how truly cloistered and closed this little group has been. I've seen complaints from those who feel that appointments to the squad are based almost as much on how chummy they are with the cabal as opposed to how much the player can help. And when I ran for the u21 last season and tapped into former league mates across my now 10 years on this game to try and drum up support i was surprised by the number of respondents said they were not even aware there is a national team.
This is what I mean when I say that the team suffers from a lack of interest.
To wit.....
In the USA 45 users of 781 have cast a vote regarding the performance of the direction of the national team, that is 5.7%
Italy 59 of 1159.... 5% and that surprised me, but I bet there is a similar dynamic in play
China 31 of 431 7.5%
Spain 113 of 1131 10%
France 82 of 726 11.3%
Germany 48 of 355 13.5%
Brazil 28 of 196... 14.3%
Israel 30 of 189 14.5%
And then we have Argentina.... 101 of 324 for a whopping engagement level of 31.2%
This is what I am talking about when I say interest. And I think this is the last thing the guys on the discord who let's face it are the guys pulling the strings do not want to see. New blood brings new thought, new ideas, and since we have seen a GE change which I think has materially changed the dynamic of the game it will be new schools of thought which will determine how players of all walks will be developed. Now as it is I think it's going to take around 5 seasons for the builds and mindsets of the past to be overtaken by the new reality. It will be those on both a club and NT level that best traverse these new roads who will see the biggest fruition. None of that happens however without fresh input, and I am as adept as anyone out here in attracting those who will provide that input.
Last edited by Coach Lambini at 3/24/2021 4:40:21 PM