... Id love to answer every question you have, from how I see players should be built, to tactics and BB philosophy
I voted for Sahand a few seasons ago, he checked all the right boxes (with me) in those 3 areas, but when things didn't work out the combination of his ego (nothing I consider a flaw or detriment) and his status as an outsider or foreigner (it sounded like some things got lost in translation and taken personally, on both sides) led to the inevitable meltdown.
But I'm also a loner and an outsider, and I lack context. I don't know what happened with Sahand's tenure. And I don't know why Bubble made that thread. If he was desperate to avoid a terrible decision then I owe him, and his motivations, an apology. Whether it's 5 people, or 5 million, or 5 billion, going against the grain can be a tough reminder that the inherent nature of precluding an outcome prohibits you from pointing to that event as justification for your actions and decisions.
Eventus stultorum magister and all that.
I don't have any questions for you with regard to your qualifications, aptitude, or intellect.
My question is this: What is your motivation? If you were to win gold, but you had to close ranks until you were your only counsel, and this community felt resentful, or even despised you for it... is that a better outcome than letting them have their fun and make their mistakes?