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Season 26

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From: Raymond

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252792.9 in reply to 252792.8
Date: 01/14/2014 22:07:11
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All I wanna say is, no doubt he could make more money if he could reach DII. However, he might get in deep trouble if he push for promotion in the wrong timing.

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252792.10 in reply to 252792.9
Date: 01/16/2014 22:23:57
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No such thing as a bad timing for promotion.

If anything, you could tank in Division II and make a lot of money and come back to Division III rich.
or you could stay and compete.

Like i told you Raymond, you could promote and do very well in Division II, your arena is big enough and you are a good manager. I'm making 100k a week + 50k from cup and I'm in the hardest league in Division II.

Anyways, this season looks interesting. I will be following :)

This Post:
252792.11 in reply to 252792.10
Date: 01/16/2014 23:24:12
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heehee, what you said is right, there is no bad timing for promotion and I am not worry anyone get promotion from here, coz he/she will gain some experience from D2 no matter how.

I only worry about those ppl push too hard (spend $ more than there income), and still unable to win the title at the end of the season. If someone else push it in the wrong timing, it will create trouble to he/her club at the following seasons.

You know what, I really have no idea why BB let you down by Canuckleheads couple weeks ago, it really ridiculous. :?

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252792.12 in reply to 252792.11
Date: 01/17/2014 17:57:45
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Yeah i thought i was going to be 3-3. But apparently Canuckleheads' players have low salaries but are good, plus i was away on the road.

From: Gil_P
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252792.13 in reply to 252792.12
Date: 01/18/2014 00:52:17
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How lucky a guy can be?

The Hounds? round 4? no HCA!

I think BB should test Aaron Regis (20647158) for drug abuse.
80% FG! the guy is unstoppable.

Last edited by Gil_P at 01/18/2014 00:57:48

From: Raymond

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252792.14 in reply to 252792.13
Date: 01/18/2014 18:00:39
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From: Gil_P

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252792.15 in reply to 252792.14
Date: 01/18/2014 18:51:34
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Love it!


From: B-art

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252792.16 in reply to 252792.8
Date: 01/20/2014 12:45:58
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I know what u mean but don't agree with everything. I have some experience with that game and if u get promotion to higher division u need good team. It is better to be in lover division on top rather then in higher division and be on the bottom. It is all about the fans, u need your hall to be as full as u can. Right now I'm making 150k a week + 50k from cup. I don't think I would make this kind of money in Div. II When I have 3 millions i will go for promotion

From: Bballin

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252792.17 in reply to 252792.16
Date: 01/20/2014 20:39:52
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If You promote by winning the championship You get a promotion bonus where basically You can set Your prices higher than usual and Your arena will fill up until the allstar break. Also the tv contract is a lot higher here. So if You stay at the salary floor and remain in the cup You can have a roster that will win most div III leagues and maximize profit. So even if You relegate, You relegate with a high draft pick that will usually turn into a good prospect that You can sell or train and with loads of money. I was actually staying competitive in div II earlier this season with a 250k roster. I was making 180k a week plus 50k from cup.

To summarize: If You have a chance to promote, take it, its always the better option.

From: Raymond

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252792.18 in reply to 252792.17
Date: 01/23/2014 17:22:26
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wow, you must very busy about the NT, how could you have time come back and visit our forum!? :D