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Playoff Predictions

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235698.9 in reply to 235698.7
Date: 02/20/2013 11:01:37
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These predictions are awesome. I can't believe I won by 1 point. That was such an amazing game. I didn't know I had a relegation game to play this week so I had to play all my backups for minutes.

From: Aradrad
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235698.10 in reply to 235698.9
Date: 02/21/2013 12:26:49
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Round 2!

#1 Houston Stars vs. #3 Washington Hoyas- The Great 8 semifinal game is going to come down to the outside attack. The Stars are a great all-around team, but with the Hoyas putting up proficient outside shooting, can they stop PG Vernon Manning's ferocious attack? After besting the Downtown Dudes on Tuesday with their excellent outside game, the Stars are going to have a tough time keeping these guys contained. Hoyas win it 108-97.

#7 Statesboro Kinghts vs. #6 Crown Heights Dynasty- Holy guacamole! The Knights eeked out a win on Tuesday in a barn burner, even with the massive confusion on the bench. GM Whitefoxx commented on the unusual tactics, "What can I say? YOLO! *trollface*" On Saturday, CHD will be back for more, but this time, they'll be facing the Knights' starters instead. The power of lame internet jokes brings this relegation series to a close as the Knights bring home the bacon, 85-70.

#6 cant touch this vs. #7 Memphis Trojans- In another close game, the masters of lowercase letters pulled out a 3 point win after an intense 4th quarter. The deciding factor here will be the GS update tomorrow and how that plays out on the star players. The Trojans are going to have to shut down rookie Zhao Guojie, the only player with a double double in the last matchup from SF. The Trojans lose their focus against the onslaught of bad grammar, 70-66.

#1 team voodoo vs. #2 Waltham Celtic Warriors- Both teams had an easy game on Tuesday, besting their opponents by over 60 points each. Now these two titans of the Big 8 get their rematch, after voodoo's scathing defeat to end their perfect streak in the last matchup of the regular season. The Warriors have drastically improved over the season, and now pose a potent threat to their opponent's stagnant roster. team voodoo's GM succubus was unavailable for comment, as he was drowning his sorrows in alcohol. But even that won't be enough to save them from defeat, 95-90.

Here are my picks, what are yours? What do you think? Is anyone alive?

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235698.11 in reply to 235698.10
Date: 02/21/2013 14:41:40
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Round 2 Predictions

First I guess I start with my game #1 Team Voodoo vs #2 WCW
While my team had a great emotional win against voodoo last week, voodoo is going to be electrically charged up with playing at home should be a closer game but I think we pull it out in the end 93-85

Next over to # Houston Stars vs #3 Washington Hoyas
Very interesting game this looks to be Hoyas with the most potent looking offense this season and Houston with a top notch D which complements there offense In the regular season Houston lost by 3 then won by 5 but the playoffs are a different animal and I see Hoyas pulling off the upset Hoyas win 115-108

#7 Knights vs #6 CHD

Knights were able to put up quite a performance in game one and with the starters back they look tough to topple. With the Knights home and getting there top guys back out CHD sadly falls 77-70

#6 cant touch this vs #7 Trojans

Again another good matchup in the relegation series with the Trojans home they get there act in grammer back in line
Trojans win 85-83

From: Aradrad
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235698.12 in reply to 235698.11
Date: 02/27/2013 12:04:24
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Congrats to WCW in their first round win in the championship series over the Houston Stars! Sorry for missing the action with a forum post, but sickness has kept me otherwise preoccupied! But that doesn't mean someone else can't step in... *hint hint* :p

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235698.13 in reply to 235698.12
Date: 02/27/2013 16:33:21
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Nice win Waltham, very defensive game. So if you win one of the next two games you automatically promote? Also, do you guys know what other team will promote? I'm still trying to figure all of this out....

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235698.14 in reply to 235698.13
Date: 02/27/2013 23:53:47
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18 blocks?!?!?! What kind of Witchcraft were you working in game 1 good lord!

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235698.15 in reply to 235698.14
Date: 03/01/2013 11:02:50
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It was a good game one win for us hopefully we can take it home in game two and only the champion of the league promotes

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235698.16 in reply to 235698.15
Date: 03/01/2013 11:18:46
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That's not always true. Only the champion is guaranteed to promote, however the teams with the best record may promote to spots where teams have gone bot.

From: Aradrad
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235698.17 in reply to 235698.16
Date: 03/01/2013 11:28:51
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The Waltham Celtic Warriors pulled out a great victory on Tuesday, 72-66 over the Houston Stars. This stings even more, considering Stars' PF Raúl Sáenz recently won the League MVP trophy. Houston also had two other players finish in the top 7 of voting, while the Warriors had one. We caught up with Sáenz in the locker room today after workouts.

Q: How does it feel to be V.22 MVP?
A: Yeah man, it feels great y'know? Just...yeah. Man.
Q: Do you feel confident about tomorrow's game?
A: Y'know man, we just gotta...y'know, get out there and play our game.
Q: Which would be basketball?
A: Yeah, basketball, y'know, the game. We play.
Q: Even though the Warriors were running a fast paced, full court offense, they still contended for the rebound quite a bit, how do you feel you'll do against that?
A: I'll just do my thing, y'know...go in there, jump, and hopefully get the ball. Just gotta...
Q: Play your game?
A: Yeah.

Well, we'll be looking forward to seeing what this Harvard Graduate can do on Saturday in Game 2 of the Championship Series, as the Warriors hope to seal the deal against League MVP Raúl Sáenz and the Houston Stars.

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235698.18 in reply to 235698.16
Date: 03/02/2013 11:22:31
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Ah yes alas I forgot about that stipend on the promotion of teams and I love the banther on the star's guy

From: Aradrad
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235698.19 in reply to 235698.7
Date: 03/03/2013 14:16:01
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The Waltham Celtic Warriors have defeated the Houston Stars 90-78 to clinch the final game of the Championship series. The score does not convey how close a game it was, even down to the final minutes of the match. Vytenas Vosys lit up the floor for the Warriors, leading the team for 19 points, 16 boards, and 4 blocks. Though they ran a full court offense, they only shot 8-24 from behind the arc, compared to Houston's 10-35 from 3 point land. League MVP Raúl Sáenz shot only 3-6 for 8 points today, and left before we could get a word from him. So again, congratulations to WCW and all those that participated in the playoffs, looking forward to seeing you next season!
