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New Team

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From: D.Dubya

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250546.5 in reply to 250546.4
Date: 01/01/2014 20:15:05
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He means from V to IV.
You have to make the playoffs and be the champions.
(Or be the runner-up, idk)

From: pts123

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250546.6 in reply to 250546.5
Date: 01/02/2014 11:10:06
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So why is it necessary to have salaries between 5000 to 9000? Sorry
i am new and want to understand the system here better.

This Post:
250546.7 in reply to 250546.6
Date: 01/02/2014 23:52:53
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you have to be the winner or the runner up to promote to the next level (basically make it to the finals)
and the salary is indicative on the skills of the player.
in your roster you will see that the players with higher skills will cost more money than the ones with lower skills.
in order to win Div V you will need players in the $5000 - $9000 range to be successful.
at the next level you need better players $15000-$25000 salaries.

one tip,
i find it is best to have a balanced team. some teams have a superstar and then other crappy players. balanced team wins in the long run imo.

This Post:
250546.8 in reply to 250546.7
Date: 01/03/2014 11:12:06
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I see thank you for explaining.

Also is it necessary to have a couple of good bench players? Would it be worth it to purposely place a potential starter and place him as the 6th man?

This Post:
250546.9 in reply to 250546.8
Date: 01/03/2014 11:47:49
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good question.
one thing you should know right away is that those potential ratings are nothing more than an indicator of how good a player CAN become if trained, over time.
"6th man" and "starter" is not telling you how you should place those players in your lineup, but it is telling you that if you trained both players equally, the guy with "starter" potential would become better over time than the "6th man".
Does that make sense? if what i say doesn't come thru let me know.
So to answer your question YES, if at this moment the "6th man" is better than the "starter" by all means, start the "6th man".
That said, there are situations where you could want to start a 6th man over an MVP :D
It really comes down to salary and you long-term goal.

This Post:
250546.10 in reply to 250546.9
Date: 01/03/2014 14:31:54
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That makes perfect sense.

I was asking if player "a" is better than player "b" and they both play the same position, is it necessary to have "a" start over "b" or is also a good idea to have some good players as the backups?

This Post:
250546.11 in reply to 250546.10
Date: 01/03/2014 14:39:58
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Yeah, I think it is a good idea to have decent backups as long as the pocket book allows.

Last edited by Phonyamerican at 01/03/2014 14:43:27

This Post:
250546.12 in reply to 250546.11
Date: 01/03/2014 17:47:35
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Any other roster tips, or other tips in general?

This Post:
250546.13 in reply to 250546.12
Date: 01/04/2014 14:51:47
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Well idk why im doing this but here you go.

keep a roster of 13 good players and rotate them. fire the rest.
hire a level 5 trainer (at least) and learn to train young players (you may not be able to afford one at first) . you should be able to train 3 players at once.
learn to flip players and make money. take a trainable 18 or 19 yo with minimum allstar potential and re-sell him after a few weeks of training for a profit. i will let you figure out the rest.
to learn to train join the offsite usa forum. the most important thing in training is the elastic effect.
take a look at the rosters in the next division up. what are those players being paid? how many ticket sales will you need to make to cover those salaries?
buy versatile players so you can run multiple offensive tactics. 2-3 different ones is good. when you play, mix it up so your opponenet cant guess you strategy. always run man to man defense.
look at your opponents roster. look at your opponent's tactics. try to predict them and beat them.
"take it easy" is your best friend :)

This Post:
250546.14 in reply to 250546.13
Date: 01/05/2014 12:24:27
Overall Posts Rated:
Wow thank you for the advice!

From: cws33
This Post:
250546.15 in reply to 250546.14
Date: 01/09/2014 22:36:07
EDH Wolves
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
EDH Wolves II
For this leage a Level 4 trainer is more than adequate and wont be a financial drain on your team. But yes, a 13-14 man roster is about the right number. Another comment is to try and TIE when you can to build you ask what I am doing here? The Chaska Cobras had the unfortunate luck to draw me in the Tourny....

Good Luck, if you have any questions, send me a note ;)

