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Australia - III.15 > Wonder if anyone is here

Wonder if anyone is here

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From: Trey

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295382.4 in reply to 295382.3
Date: 07/31/2018 05:07:39
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Not sure to be honest, it would've been like 10 seasons or something. I'll just search it and have a look when I'm bothered lol

From: Stewikilla

To: Trey
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295382.5 in reply to 295382.4
Date: 07/31/2018 05:16:28
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Ahh shit that is the grind I'm going to try and do but I'm still learning

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295382.6 in reply to 295382.1
Date: 08/01/2018 02:05:50
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Hey mate, been playing for over a decade human years.

Use to be really good back then with the banter but now its really quite.

From: Trey

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295382.7 in reply to 295382.5
Date: 08/02/2018 04:18:46
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After going down memory lane, turns out I never made the ABBL...

I had the team for about 11 seasons in total and I was in div II for the last 3 seasons. My record in div II was 7-5 in my last season and then I fell inactive which led me to being relegated (8-14) and then even if I wanted to get back into it I was probably not bothered.

But yeah it's defs a grind lol, pm me if you want any tips. Hopefully I remember enough to be half as good as I used to be lol

From: Stewikilla

To: Trey
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295382.8 in reply to 295382.7
Date: 08/02/2018 04:49:38
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Ahh all good XD

yeah no doubt ill do that trying to take in all I can haha