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Just Gonna Be Friendly...

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From: Transky

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239052.30 in reply to 239052.29
Date: 04/21/2013 02:48:26
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I saw that score! What happened there? It's not everyday a six seed upsets the number one overall seed. Good job

From: JordonJ

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239052.31 in reply to 239052.30
Date: 04/21/2013 12:39:11
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crunch time....kills enthusiasm for next game. and it doesn't help I used it twice last week. I knew I used it once but didn't know about the other..well at least I didn't try to.

No way in hell Woodbury is really +17 against me...but oh well.

Last edited by JordonJ at 04/21/2013 12:45:17

From: Transky

This Post:
239052.32 in reply to 239052.31
Date: 04/21/2013 15:13:42
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Ahh I getcha. I thought you might have been training people or something. It's whatever though. Your team is still first and you're probably gonna be fine haha.

On a side note, does anyone know when the allstar rosters and draft prospects show up?

From: Transky

This Post:
239052.33 in reply to 239052.31
Date: 04/21/2013 21:18:40
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Ahh. Nevermind. Allstar rosters are up, our conferences starters are all from our two teams haha

From: Billy
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239052.34 in reply to 239052.22
Date: 04/21/2013 21:21:05
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JordanJ, I saw you lost! How on Earth did that happen? I was very surprised at that. The team with the best name (LOVE THE WALKING DEAD btw) beat you.

I took a look at the All Star Game and I own 4 out of the 5 starting spots and the backup for the 5th spot. I was very surprised at that!

On a side note it was good news that Chennai Gorillas' team was taken over so I'm hoping that means I get a easier trip to the playoffs.

From: Transky

This Post:
239052.35 in reply to 239052.34
Date: 04/21/2013 21:44:11
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Your 88's are a beast in the other conference. It'll be tough for sure. So essentially it's Leflore vs. 88's in the allstar game haha.

And I wouldn't surprised to see the final games come down to 88's and Leflore either. Chennai wasn't all that dominant in your conference anyways.

Last edited by Transky at 04/21/2013 21:45:10

From: Billy
This Post:
239052.36 in reply to 239052.35
Date: 04/21/2013 22:58:04
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What has me scared is the high priced players these other teams are picking up. I wouldn't be able to afford those and I wonder how other do. Like Woodbury, WTF? 99,000 per week player and a 38,000 per week player. I would be broke.

I don't think I will beat you Transky or the Rattlers, your teams are good! I don't have many high priced guys.

From: JordonJ

This Post:
239052.37 in reply to 239052.36
Date: 04/22/2013 00:11:05
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If he don't get rid of something soon...he'll be in the negatives quite fast.

And maybe I need to lose more often...finally got this board talking again. xD

Now that you speak of it I did start training my forward....may have to do with the poor performance as's ok though.

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From: Transky

This Post:
239052.39 in reply to 239052.37
Date: 04/22/2013 09:17:43
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Yeah, there's no way he's keeping up with the cost of having those players. No way at all. And, not trying to be mean or anything, his record isn't exactly great for having such "dominant" players either.

I kind of made the same mistake as him last season because the very first thing I did was buy this really expensive trainer that drove all my money away. It really sucked. Luckily I changed that before it got too late.

And dude, like I said your 88's are no slouch. Out of all the teams in the league I fear you and Leflore, so our matchup after the allstar break is gonna be a big game.

And the training shouldn't matter unless he was out of position as well. If the forward you were training was playing the forward spot he should've been okay. Maybe your gameshape is down or something?

Also, I was just looking at the 88's press release and it got me thinking about the draft this year and the rookies we got. What'd you guys think about them? I mean I personally was very pleased with one of my pickups. The other two, not so much, but my first rounder has been a valuable part of my lineup and would easily be my starting point guard if it wasn't for the guy I bought my first season.

Last edited by Transky at 04/22/2013 09:28:12

From: JordonJ

This Post:
239052.40 in reply to 239052.39
Date: 04/22/2013 12:13:36
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You're biggest problem is my's currently at 1.....yes 1!! which is 'worn out' it looks like i'll be playing TIE (take it easy) for the most part through the end of the season..and thankfully my next games are against the #4, #8, #8, #6, I should get away with TIE for a little while...and still really wouldn't matter since I'm basically guaranteed a playoff spot at this point. I'd rather have my enthusiasm at around 10-11 and have a .500 record than to be .950 record with crap enthusiasm..cause then someone could easily crunch time me and I get killed in the PO..

I didn't do much scouting last season..forgot about it. all the players I got were turrible..So I cut them asap. Need all the little cash I can get.

Last edited by JordonJ at 04/22/2013 12:32:39
