BuzzerBeater Forums

Australia - III.15 > Anyone still playing?

Anyone still playing?

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From: A Smoove

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288491.3 in reply to 288491.2
Date: 07/17/2017 08:53:36
Overall Posts Rated:
We have our game tomorrow haha... How active is this site would you say? Any tips?

From: lordy

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288491.4 in reply to 288491.3
Date: 07/17/2017 22:25:36
Overall Posts Rated:
It's not that active in the div 3 league forums. Take a look at other forums - global is active, suggestions is active. Australia and abbl/div 2 are semi active. It's worth subscribing to them all if you're interested.

There's also the national team that could probably use a helper etc if you're interested.

From: A Smoove

This Post:
288491.5 in reply to 288491.4
Date: 07/18/2017 01:44:30
Overall Posts Rated:
Thanks for the heads up! Probably not looking to get so involved with a national team... More wondering if it's worth investing a little time into this game