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Season 28

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From: Larelin

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261086.3 in reply to 261086.2
Date: 07/16/2014 03:27:21
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Yes.. I got demoted... Should have never been.. But I sacrificed too many league games to have my guys fresh for the tourney, which I usually go far in.
Now I have to get over the money shock. I'm going to have to get used to a lot less income. :(

From: Larelin

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261086.4 in reply to 261086.1
Date: 07/16/2014 17:52:26
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Argazzu, through two games. looks great. He has one stat below respectable.. One respectable and the rest strong and above mostly prominent and proficients... The moist well rounded player ive ever had..
If I get the right matchups, his experience will allow him to use those stats to the best ability (he shoots 3s vs big men and posts up little guys.) He a shot blocker on top of it. .. I'm a big fan of shot blockers in this game. Even at profiecient/ prominent they can greatly reduce the opponents fg % and not only that.. They will foul a little l
ess as well.. Where they once fouled, they now alter or block shots outright. If my guys combined can block over ten shots a game, that's a huge blow to my opponents fg%.
Araguzzu, keel it up.

From: Larelin

This Post:
261086.5 in reply to 261086.1
Date: 07/26/2014 21:42:56
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Not even trying, my team loses by a total of 9 on the road. I think the team is in decent shape. My ratings look the same on TIE as most on CT.
Of course, they are all old fogeys.

From: BB-Will

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261086.6 in reply to 261086.5
Date: 07/27/2014 11:24:44
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Second Team:
Hey man keep your head up

trust the process
From: Larelin

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261086.7 in reply to 261086.6
Date: 07/27/2014 15:23:18
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I will.. Right now it appears to be up my rear end.

From: Larelin

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261086.8 in reply to 261086.7
Date: 09/17/2014 03:37:15
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One assist and three blocks.away from a quadruple double.. And vs. a 10.0 rating as well.. Holy cats batman!

From: Mortons

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261086.9 in reply to 261086.8
Date: 09/17/2014 11:33:40
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That is a great performance. Good to see him back in action.

From: Larelin

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261086.10 in reply to 261086.9
Date: 09/20/2014 23:04:36
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I think a well rounded player with slight strengths in the position they ply, not major strengths is better than a player with a few really high stats and the rest mediocre.. There are many higher paid players (better stats at their positions) then my PF, but few will out perform him...

From: BB-Will

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261086.11 in reply to 261086.10
Date: 09/21/2014 22:57:57
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Second Team:
hey how are you doing

trust the process
From: Mortons

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261086.12 in reply to 261086.10
Date: 09/22/2014 10:46:50
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I cannot agree more strongly with this statement. Balance is key to success in this game. Sure, you won't have players topping the best League lists for their performances, but they will consistently perform admirably week in and week out.

I have a player (he is still on my team and is 40 y/o) -- during his prime -- in which his lowest stat was Strong (Outside shooting). His highest was Marvelous (driving) and he was amazing. His Salary never got over 38k and he had won the MVP for his leagues multiple times. Sad to say, I have had him for 22 seasons and I just cannot let him retire. Heck, even now at 40, he plays fantastic as a backup. As he has waned, I regret not being able to build another like him, just not found the right player to start with. His success was his balanced distribution. He was never going to outshoot, outscore or out rebound his opponents. But as a SF, he could light up from the outside or inside based on the opponent he faced. At his best, he was Wonderous JS and Tremendous Inside shot. Just a fantastic player I could rely on, his only downside was that he was foul prone periodically.Trained him from the time he was 18 to about 27, he received 2 position training about 80% of the time.

Sadly, as good as he was, when I went to Div 2... He was just a little above the average caliber of the starting players there and his skills just did not pan out well against those guys.

From: BB-Will

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261086.13 in reply to 261086.12
Date: 09/22/2014 17:29:10
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
hey morton, how have you been so successful for so long? i want to know some of your tips or secrets to this game. I have been struggling for awhile, i have been in division 4 since season 8....

trust the process