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BB Italia > #47 - NT - Europeo

#47 - NT - Europeo

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From: antani

This Post:
301156.22 in reply to 301156.20
Date: 11/18/2019 17:54:21
sderenati team
Serie A
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
come fosse prematurata

Plus, the ent update for nt is on tuesday, so when u play on friday it doens't update right away (not before monday game anyway).

It would means that playing PO-Normal on Friday in semi-final would be unprofitable and completely no sense?

btw before i wrote something wrong about ent, the days it updates is not tuesday but friday (before semifinal game)

I say the ent updates once a week (if it has to go down) , but AS I WROTE BEFORE, if you do tie (or PO-Normal) it will grow right after the game (actually before the viewer ever starts, in that 15 mins before game).

So there is big difference between normal and mots on friday semi-final. About 1/3 or your ent before game.

For the dismiss, i really can't believe what you say. I will no risk to try but u'r free to keep doing it ;)

This Post:
301156.23 in reply to 301156.21
Date: 11/18/2019 18:41:54
KS Goldena
Overall Posts Rated:
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KS Golden Grizzlies
Dismissing players is -0,5, you might not notice it on a weekly basis but on the long run affects your team

If it was true, I would lose 1 level of enthusiasm per 2 weeks. I didn't...As I said. I checked it many times. Behavior of entusiasm in long term is the same. By the way it's not only my conclusion...but no matter.

Let we leave it. I won't intend to persuade anybody.

I have no problem with losing this game with such a good team, experienced manager and such a big community. I just want to ensure bug wasn't exist. If you could say what did you play in semi-final and what was level of your enthusiasm before final game, everything would be clear for me. Could you?

From: kozlik4

This Post:
301156.24 in reply to 301156.22
Date: 11/18/2019 18:58:56
KS Goldena
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
KS Golden Grizzlies
So there is big difference between normal and mots on friday semi-final. About 1/3 or your ent before game. sounds like you have made an agreement with Spain's coach and played PO-Normal in semi-final. Then your enthusiasm increased rapidly from 13 to 15...and all my advantage which I achevied in group phase gone.

Then my huge troubles with game shapes vs your great game shapes + guessed GDP...and HCA also gone. Ok, it sounds reliable now:) Could you confirm? If yes, I'm sorry.

Last edited by kozlik4 at 11/18/2019 19:00:25

From: antani

This Post:
301156.25 in reply to 301156.24
Date: 11/18/2019 19:10:46
sderenati team
Serie A
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
come fosse prematurata
I didn't say we did agreement with Spain. I just reply to you after you said there is no difference between normal and mots on friday. I said if one of us did the normal it would have been 1/3 more. So even more than 15 starting from 12 or more..

for the shape and GDP i think they balanced HCA partially, our rotations were good as you can see from the 2 PG playing 24 each and we been quite good in the last minutes of the game.
In our first match during group phase we had 2 injuries, today only one from a reserve, maybe that helped too.

From: kozlik4

This Post:
301156.26 in reply to 301156.25
Date: 11/18/2019 19:37:05
KS Goldena
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
KS Golden Grizzlies
I didn't say we did agreement with Spain.
Can't you make it clear? Is it such a big secret? I will not blame you:-) I have no problem with your potential agreement.

Ok...let we assume it wasn't agreement:D...Did you play PO-Normal?:-)

for the shape and GDP i think they balanced HCA partially

My game shapes were terrible. I culdn't use my best bigs Krumskas, Janciukevicius, Malinovskas, Maciukonis was olny strong low. Also many key outside players were out: Biliutavicius, Loshak (transfers), Treikauskas (injury).

This Post:
301156.30 in reply to 301156.29
Date: 11/19/2019 03:57:57
KS Goldena
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
KS Golden Grizzlies
the more frequent the dismissals, the greater effect they have on enthusiasm.”

This is the key...First dismissal is lossless...any next dismissal cause bigger and bigger loses...One more issue: you can't collect higher enthusiasm than 15+...but let's we leave it. I have already written to much about it...(while even admiting about your attitude after end of turnament is too much for you). I suppose I understood all now. Start to celebrate your gold medal;-)

This Post:
301156.31 in reply to 301156.28
Date: 11/19/2019 04:38:28
Tamarillo Wings
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Slam Drunk Celtics

Congrats ad antani che è campione d'Europa, e porta un oro in bacheca dopo anni solari di assenze - precisamente da stagione 10, e siamo a S47. In bocca al lupo per il mondiale!

Esattamente! Grandissimo successo e risultato!

From: antani
This Post:
301156.32 in reply to 301156.31
Date: 11/19/2019 08:18:26
sderenati team
Serie A
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
come fosse prematurata
grazie ragazzi, ma il merito è senza dubbio dello staff, scout in primis!

gianloco e cascas per l'ottimo lavoro di scouting e coordinamento di altri scout che va avanti da diverse stagioni, grazie al loro lavoro ora abbiamo una rosa super competitiva.
menzione speciale per ozriky e samusaran per aver seguito tanti giocatori in questi anni, molti dei quali arrivati in orbita NT.
Ringraziamento ad Iverson e Ubiond, tra gli ultimi arrivati, che trovano sempre il modo di rendersi utili con scouting e consigli tattici.
E ovviamente un grazie a tutti quelli che hanno scoutato e seguito almeno un paio di giocatori over 22 in queste stagioni. Se ho dimenticato di citare qualcuno non me ne volesse perchè ho la memoria di un pesce rosso...ah un grazie anche a riky per avermi fatto da portavoce, compatibilmente con gli impegni in real, perchè sicuramente più divertente del sottoscritto...però che cavolo voi altri della community, rispondetegli ogni tanto in questo lo merita

Infine i manager che hanno allenato i giocatori in rosa e gli altri papabili, senza di voi non sarebbe stato possibile vincere quindi vi ringrazio personalmente oltre che a nome di tutti.

Bravi tutti e forza azzurri....ora si va al mondiale con una sicurezza sui nostri mezzi mai avuta prima!

Last edited by antani at 11/19/2019 08:27:57
