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Offence vs defence

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From: Agentv

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304455.3 in reply to 304455.2
Date: 05/30/2020 10:03:17
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So you're saying its best to use training techniques that train more secondary skills early because min-maxing too much slows down training? Do I understand this correctly?

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304455.4 in reply to 304455.3
Date: 05/30/2020 11:18:07
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Training secondaries first help boost the training rate of primary skills. Also, secondaries contribute less to a player’s salary allowing teams some time before getting hit with additional costs early.

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304455.5 in reply to 304455.4
Date: 05/30/2020 12:02:57
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So basically:

1. Train driving and handling until they're somewhat higher than primary skills. This is so that when you train primaries, they get trained faster. When you see that training slows down noticeably, progress to step 2.

2. Train shooting and defense until they're about even with secondaries in order to train them as quickly as possible.

3. Repeat steps 1. and 2. until the player reaches his prime.

Is this correct?

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304455.6 in reply to 304455.5
Date: 05/30/2020 14:45:19
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That’s basically the gist. You want to take advantage of the elastic effect as much as possible. You also have to account for potential caps. The order you train primary skills matter. For instance, if you’re training bigs you want to train ID as the first primary skill. ID has an elastic effect on the most inside skills. Getting it 3-5 levels above the other primaries provides good elasticity. But training goals are entirely your preference. Some users like to see priority given to SB or RB. Depending on what they want determines when to rotate the training.

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304455.7 in reply to 304455.6
Date: 05/30/2020 16:26:52
Overall Posts Rated:
Thanks. Makes sense now.
