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Outside levels for big-men

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288995.2 in reply to 288995.1
Date: 09/04/2017 14:06:40
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My recommendation would be: decide what his inside skills will look like (obviously within cap limits). Then check what is the latest time that will allow you to reach that skillset by training inside skills (e.g. if you train FT or outside for 3 seasons and then swap back to inside, will you achieve your goal or not?). Use either Coach Parrot or the Training simulator. Take out a handful of weeks and that is your point of no return, the point where you know you have to go back to inside training in order to complete the player.

Other than that I would train 1v1 guards if you are going to keep IS reasonably low or 1v1 forwards, then some OD then PA. If you get him to 8/7/7 10/13/7 it will be a significant improvement compared to where he is now, but the OD in particular might be painful to achieve at 7'3''.

8/7 shooting guarantees he can hit some 3 pointers and jump shots against Cs with low OD. OD is the opposite: you don't want Cs hitting 2 or 3 3-pointers in a game because your defender has 1 OD. HA and PA will cut his turnovers and make it more likely he passes the ball when he doesn't have a good look. DR will help him get to the rim for layups and to create his own shot, it's not vital but it will increase if you train 1v1.

Last edited by Lemonshine at 09/04/2017 14:08:58

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288995.3 in reply to 288995.2
Date: 09/05/2017 15:33:13
Horsens Kasuars
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Thanks for your reply. It is most useful. I have tried to put some skills together, and, if I have read your recommandations the right way (JS/OD/DR JR/HA/PA, he could end something like this:

I'm a little uncertain about having put the right skills together on the inside, so if you have any recommandations there, I would love to hear them.


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288995.4 in reply to 288995.3
Date: 09/06/2017 05:14:38
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You have 2 options for this guy: either try to keep IS or SB as low as possible. The rationale for this is that the other 3 skills can be improved more if you keep one low. Honestly his inside skills are a bit high to be able to limit one of them. I wouldn't punt RB as this player can't be a PF due to limited outside skills and RB is very important for a big man to get extra possessions. Obviously you can't punt ID anymore as it is already 14.

IS can be kept under control as you can do 1v1 guards instead of forwards and go for 12/17/17/17 or something along those lines (he can be better than that probably, my C is better or equal to that in each skill and he's a MVP too, although he's capped). I would leave some extra room (time) for inside skills because at that height he will train inside skills ok even through the cap if he's young enough.

The reason to punt IS instead of SB is two-fold:
1. IS is more expensive than SB both for salary and cap. SB will also train faster for your purposes and it will train the other 2 skills you will look to increase.
2. With decent DR, probably you don't need massive IS for the player to be ok offensively. He will never be a stud offensively, but he will contribute. If you punt IS, PA probably becomes more important than OD, so I would sacrifice some OD to have better PA. What will happen is that he will pass the ball to better offensive players and take (mostly) open shots.

If you go the IS/ID/RB route then I would not give up OD for PA. There are good reasons to go this route too, and it is that 1v1 forwards will train IS and that very high JS is generally bad for salary reasons in a big man (so you will want to keep that in check) and not super beneficial. This route will probably quite fast too because IS will improve on the 1v1 training thanks to his height and elastic effect from ID.

It really depends what kind of player you want. Hopefully someone else can chime in on the benefits of either approach and to advise on whether they think a 12/17/17/17 or a 17/17/17/12 template would be better for your particular case (and also whether they would keep outside skills at lower level than I suggested).

Last edited by Lemonshine at 09/06/2017 05:20:08

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288995.5 in reply to 288995.4
Date: 09/16/2017 03:39:24
Horsens Kasuars
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Thanks again for your thorough explanations, and for taking the time. I'm sorry that I am a bit slow in replying, but work seems to be a never ending time consumer :-)

You wrote in your first reply:
"Other than that I would train 1v1 guards if you are going to keep IS reasonably low or 1v1 forwards, then some OD then PA. If you get him to 8/7/7 10/13/7 it will be a significant improvement compared to where he is now, but the OD in particular might be painful to achieve at 7'3''."

To set the right training up, I need to be sure, which skills are which: Are 8/7/7 JS/OD/DR ? and 10/13/7 JR/HA/PA?

I think I am leaning more towards 12/17/17/17, but it might end in 14/17/16/15, as I like them more even in skills - but it will be along those lines.

I will end the inside training this week, with, hopefully, a pop in SB to 12, leaving him at 11/14/12/12 for now. Depending on whether I'm right about reading your skill-propositions, I'll start training OS or PA from next week, as they are the lowest, and, as you stated, the most painful to train, given his height. I might take in small pieces, to keep my patience intact :-)

Again, thanks for sharing your thoughts and experience. If you have other suggestions or advices I will be glad to read them.


From: BballIQ

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288995.7 in reply to 288995.1
Date: 09/25/2017 00:44:38
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At least some more passing and handling. Forget about Outside Def because it is at atrocious, and it takes a long time to level that up. Also, don't forget about stamina later on.