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Cup Tournament

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264607.2 in reply to 264607.1
Date: 10/28/2014 09:49:53
Woodbridge Wreckers
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Buy a lot of lucky charms.

Besides that, build up enthousiasm, manage game shape, scout your opponents and strengthen your roster.

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264607.3 in reply to 264607.1
Date: 10/28/2014 11:18:23
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Your team look like a geriatrics ward and your arena is tiny. I'd worry about fixing both before trying to reach the Smexy 64.

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264607.4 in reply to 264607.1
Date: 10/28/2014 11:55:03
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You must've gotten a nice draw last season in the cup.

"Fans never fall asleep at our games, because they're afraid they might get hit by a pass." George Raveling
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264607.5 in reply to 264607.4
Date: 10/28/2014 16:38:57
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Yea plus my team avg was a 9.7 last season lol

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264607.6 in reply to 264607.3
Date: 10/28/2014 16:40:24
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What's a geriatric ward?

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264607.7 in reply to 264607.2
Date: 10/28/2014 16:41:24
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Lmao and okay

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264607.9 in reply to 264607.8
Date: 10/28/2014 21:27:49
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Oh lol old people are the best! Just use them when you need them then get rid of them. And imma try my best to stay in the Cup cuz I want the 50k pay out for every win.

From: Treydub

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264607.11 in reply to 264607.10
Date: 10/29/2014 07:13:55
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I mean I just was saying the 50k is a nice asset especially to build my arena and even my team was better lasted year, if you look at us were still decent even though I'm rebuilding my roster

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264607.12 in reply to 264607.11
Date: 10/29/2014 11:34:18
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You can make 50k a week by dropping 4 overpriced players you have to pay every week though that you cannot resell for a profit. Plus as their skills fall over the season, you actually start overpaying them. I'm not saying to have no oldies, just not the whole squad.

If you had 4 all star 18 or 19 yo at 3k-5k (costs less than 10k typically) instead in three seasons when all of them are close to their hard cap you could sell them for 200-300k a piece easily. Also you wouldn't need to depend on lucky draws and as I said, you'll earn more money per week due to paying less in salary.

Everyone can run into that one team that they can't beat in the cup and it can come up in the first round or the finals.

The Cup is candy, and it hard to get fat on candy. Get some meat and potatoes.
