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Game shape

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261636.15 in reply to 261636.13
Date: 07/28/2014 17:41:57
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48 mins a game has no effect on games shape very small. As matter the player will be fresh the next few games and receive training pops. 50-to 68 is the safest bet anything above that drains players Gs how can you refrute that point??, look at my minutes then back at me about gameshape the minutes are high so of course the player will have bad gameshape duhhhhhh!!! they are rookie the majority of them old so again duhhhhh!!.. Your opinion is not written as bb gospel neither is mines, so don't come barking up my tree like you know what the deal is.Because we do things differently you understand.. and you know damn near nothing about how I play besides your bias opinion //

Btw its very petty and common to direct a comment at ones team instead of give your own opinion on the matter to person in need( the op). Didn't your get demoted why should you be giving advice?. Let not go there because , but if you want too, I have a lot words you can cash and remember on your team performance. !!. Promoting don't mean damn thing to me, I play for fun, its just a bonus to me. But when you demote, that's when you need to learn what the hell your doing wrong. Come at me again get some more. Keep your damn mouth off my team. Thank you

Last edited by Mr. Glass at 07/28/2014 17:45:27

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261636.16 in reply to 261636.15
Date: 07/28/2014 19:15:31
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I've seem to have angered you. My apologies, but if you are telling giving people advice on something, generally you should be the one who follows your advice and then prove it to others that your method works. Not say "Get 50-68 minutes" and then give all your players 100+ minutes and have them all in inept GS.

and you know damn near nothing about how I play besides your bias opinion

I know that you don't manage GS very well, whether it is an accident and you have been busy in real life or just simply don't care if your players are in awful GS. I personally feel that you should avoid giving advice on things that are not your strengths. For instance I do not give advice on how to train players for the NT because that is not my strong spot. I manage the U21 NT and can give some very good advice on that as well as other aspects of the game, but when someone comes to me wanting to train a NT player, I direct them to someone else. I feel you should try to do the same with things you may struggle with a bit.

Didn't your get demoted why should you be giving advice?. Let not go there because , but if you want too, I have a lot words you can cash and remember on your team performance. !!. Promoting don't mean damn thing to me, I play for fun, its just a bonus to me. But when you demote, that's when you need to learn what the hell your doing wrong.

I suppose that is a matter of opinion. I personally believe that it is better to promote when you can even if you have to rebuild and demote later on, opposed to spending 7+ seasons in D.V, like you did. I think that is a very time consuming and boring process spending that long playing with just bots but as you said, we obviously have very different playing styles so if that method works for you, go for it! I did not intend to attack your team, I would just prefer if you did not give advice on Game-shape issues, when you have GS issues yourself.

Murray/Harris/MPJ/Grant/Jokic - 2020 NBA Champs
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261636.17 in reply to 261636.16
Date: 07/28/2014 22:07:29
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Advice Is meant to be helpful ,it was not my opinion it something that I do know that works because I have done it before. What I do now should not reflect that matter.

The safest route is not my opinion is 50-68 minutes a game for good game shape.. What you feel about that does not matter. If you want good game shape try it. Instead of dispute on what you don't agree with.

Matter of opinion ? No.Based on the facts demotion is never good, rebuild don't mean demote. Its mean get better players within the current system for better team results. It does not mean tank, or lose for profit. either. Again demotion is never good, its throwing away your hard work and your money, That is not good. If anything substain your league level of play with great new team talent.

Demotion means simple and plain that league is out your ability to play. It means you don't know what your doing there all your doing is the wrong thing. You can sit here and tell me about game shape and training and etc , but when a team is demoting. In upper division Gs / stamina and all that jazz is important. So in small if your falling off in division play, all your doing on that level of play is the wrong thing. So why should your advice be valid on GS? because you done perfect GS?. Opinion no sir. This is fact. if this practice what your preach. I have done it, I have never demoted. I never missed the playoff since I played this game I think 12 season in row playoffs . I play for fun because this game is a hobby off time thing, to me. Its for fun. if wanted to I could make b3, its not hard to do.

Btw only people I respect can anger me. Your not one of those people not to be rude. Because I don't know you. this a basic conversation of different perspectives on BB play period..

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261636.18 in reply to 261636.17
Date: 07/28/2014 23:01:00
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I think your post is very laughable, but I'm no longer interested in trying to communicate with you, so I will just address this one point:

if wanted to I could make b3, its not hard to do.

Yeah.... Okay....

If you say so. ^_^ Have a nice night and good luck the rest of the season.

Murray/Harris/MPJ/Grant/Jokic - 2020 NBA Champs
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261636.19 in reply to 261636.16
Date: 07/29/2014 10:42:30
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I manage the U21 NT and can give some very good advice on that as well as other aspects of the game

Is not true that you lost multiple games U21 managing why should you be giving advice? I play for fun, but when you lose, you nead to learn what the hell your doing wrong. Maybe you need stop worry about team like Mr. Glass and find why you don't have dynamic player to bring you title and glory.

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261636.20 in reply to 261636.18
Date: 08/03/2014 21:19:26
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+1 for the team logo. Couldn't be more true for this thread.

On topic... 60-65 seems to be a great starting point for GS. +/- for different players stamina and sometimes just on a bunch he likes +/- 5 minutes more from that.

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261636.21 in reply to 261636.6
Date: 08/05/2014 01:25:42
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My PF played 80 minutes and went to 9 from 7.

My PG played 60 minutes in 1st week and 61 minutes in 2nd week, was at 7 both weeks.

I don't train GS. And there are many more weird examples from my team and my opponents.

There is something fishy with GS this season...

Well, based on my experience/data, the odds are high that your PG should have popped to 8, but still a 25% chance of staying at 7, so it isn't negligible.

On the other hand, in 1000 player-weeks monitored, and 29 instances where a player was at 9 GS and played between 73 and 80 minutes, I've never seen a 9 GS drop to 7, so that is some bad luck right there.

Last edited by Iguanadon Joe at 08/05/2014 01:26:23

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261636.22 in reply to 261636.21
Date: 08/05/2014 03:05:51
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Hey man, I don't know if my english is poor or something, but i'll repeat once again:

With 80 minutes played, my PF went FROM 7 TO 9. It was great luck, not bad luck, but something extremely unusual, never happened before for me at least.

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261636.23 in reply to 261636.22
Date: 08/05/2014 12:48:10
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Hey man, I don't know if my english is poor or something, but i'll repeat once again:

With 80 minutes played, my PF went FROM 7 TO 9. It was great luck, not bad luck, but something extremely unusual, never happened before for me at least.

Your English is great. I just read that wrong. Sorry about that.
Indeed, going from 7 to 9 with 80 minutes is rare. I've only seen it happen 4% of the time.

This Post:
261636.24 in reply to 261636.23
Date: 08/05/2014 13:25:10
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Hey, sorry for sounding like an utter **** in my previous post, I would just never complain for dropping to 7 with 80 minutes. It would feel natural and frankly that's what I was expecting.

So, you seem to have gathered a lot of interesting data. Care to share? (I totally understand if you don't want to)

Have you noticed any difference in GS behaviour regarding various stamina levels (before this season's changes)?

Last edited by Villagkouras at 08/05/2014 13:27:44

This Post:
261636.25 in reply to 261636.24
Date: 08/06/2014 10:18:54
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honestly, with the recent GS-Stamina relationship changed, I think any previous knowledge or understanding of what was a 'sweet spot' for gameshape is thrown out the window.

Ive noticed EVERYONE in my league having odd gameshape this season. Last week i had a guy with inept GS drop from Strong to Respectable.
But i had another guy with Respectable GS get 81 minutes, but he ALSO dropped from Strong to Respectable.

So yer, i dunno anymore. I think its totally wacked it out and its going to take a few seasons to suss it out again.
