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Utopia - IV.10 > Utopia : new season 27!!

Utopia : new season 27!!

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From: Hunterz
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256890.13 in reply to 256890.12
Date: 04/02/2014 15:39:59
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I'm seeing a lot of acquisition news feeds and some of them for 150k+. Not to mention I know some of us have spent on the arena already or have (or have been trying) to secure trainers and such.

So honestly, raise your hand if you've blown through your starting cash already. I'm guessing there are a few.

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256890.15 in reply to 256890.14
Date: 04/05/2014 01:35:24
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I am now have under 70k cash, hehe!

From: mllama
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256890.16 in reply to 256890.15
Date: 05/07/2014 05:19:42
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Hi all

If anyone is interested, I have one spot left in a utopia only private league. It's filled with Aussies atm, but we are one team short, so if anyone wants to join, let me know. First in best dressed!

Hoping to start this Friday.