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USA - IV.17 > Season 38

Season 38

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285694.12 in reply to 285694.11
Date: 04/03/2017 18:07:07
Archers of Loafcross
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LOL thanks for pointing that out. 58 days to completion. WOW!

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285694.13 in reply to 285694.12
Date: 04/04/2017 22:18:02
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Geez 25 blocks.... now I feel like a bot team would have given you more trouble...

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285694.14 in reply to 285694.11
Date: 04/05/2017 10:18:07
Fighting Kelts
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He's simply maxing out his arena size now, as opposed to building it slowly. Years ago, they didn't have an arena cap, there where a lot of Div I teams with seating for 50k+ around. They capped it as part of the economic balancing to make it possible for other teams to actually move up.

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285694.15 in reply to 285694.14
Date: 04/05/2017 13:09:45
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And throwing away a ton of money in doing so. He would generate much more arena income by building week to week for the next 55+ days. Or if he had built incrementally instead of saving up the ~5Mil it took to undergo the current construction, that would have been much more cost effective. Plus...making those workers slave over that arena for 2 straight months?! But there are many ways to play this game, and I never want to be the guy to tell someone else how to play it, so I'll stop.

I started out in this league MANY seasons back under a different team name. I've always followed my old leagues under my new team name. Good luck everyone.

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285694.16 in reply to 285694.13
Date: 04/05/2017 18:59:04
Archers of Loafcross
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Yeah not sure where all the blocks have started coming from. It must be the same place as all of the fouls. The team is fouling at an insane rate this season. I may have to train stamina here soon to see if that helps.

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285694.17 in reply to 285694.16
Date: 04/17/2017 11:40:24
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All-Star week coming up pretty soon. My training is on schedule. but behind where I had hoped to be. I don't want to rush myself to one position training... But, as you guys may have noticed (I hate his name, he's from rural Indiana lets just pretend) Elmer Seymour(40770022), is really really looking forward to playing everyday to where people remember his name.

He was mad he had that 0-15 performance, and worked really hard to never get shut out like that again. and I'd like to think that my team is better than its 4-5 record. I'd like to think that, but I still recall The Archers of Loafcross spanking me like I was a bot.

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285694.18 in reply to 285694.17
Date: 04/17/2017 17:29:35
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Second Team:
Goblin Juice
Archers has a few seasons on us and he's a great manager. Looks like Oreos might win it all this year and that clears the way for Archers next season. I'm just really disappointed in how many teams it looks like might go bot in our league. Crown Heights, Chief Commando, and especially Huskers....that was a really good team. I hope our league becomes more balanced instead of so top heavy and bottom weak.

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285694.19 in reply to 285694.18
Date: 04/17/2017 21:20:21
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Agreed. I don't want to wish archer losing either, or Kelts, but it's definitely more fun with active people.

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285694.20 in reply to 285694.19
Date: 04/17/2017 21:39:34
Archers of Loafcross
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It's definitely more fun with a full league of active managers, and I didn't see the Oreos coming this year at all. The only thing that is an advantage in a league with some bot teams is the draft. I, of course, haven't been investing this season because I'm an idiot. I'd like to build up a full roster of 15k players rather than have a couple of the high priced players and a bunch of scrubs. Before I rage quit the first time I trained an 80k center. He was an amazing player and I played LI every game until he got hit with a 5 week injury. So balance is the key, and if you can have a 2nd wave of decently skilled players coming off of the bench, you won't lose many games.

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285694.21 in reply to 285694.20
Date: 04/18/2017 22:47:40
Fighting Kelts
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Investing in the draft is still hit or miss. I didn't do to bad last season, but had to take 19 year players instead of 18 to get decent picks. Opened up most of the draft board last year. Still investing 10k a week, but might just let that roll for a season and open up the whole board next year. We shall see.

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285694.22 in reply to 285694.21
Date: 06/01/2017 00:40:36
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Hello guys. New here. Hoping to contend in a couple seasons!
